Flexible Dataset Integrator (FDI) helps data producers and processors to build connections into isolated heterogeneous datasets. to assemble, organize, and integrate data into self-describing, modular, hierarchical, persistent, referenceable Products
, whose component datasets keep their own characteristicss and are easily accessible.
FDI provides scripting-friendly APIs and
tools to define custom Products and generating Python class files. An integrated Product takes care of inter-platform compatibility, string representation, serialisation to simple exchange format, persistence to disk or server, and carrying references of other Products, enabling context-building and lazy-loading.
FDI's base data model is defined in sub-package dataset
. Persistent data
access using storage pools, referencing, and Universal Resource Names, and referencie-carrying product Context, are defined in sub-package pal
. A reference RESTful API server designed to communicate with a data processing server/docker using the data model, and a reference HTTP pool server are in sub-package pns
.. image:: pipeline.svg
:target: http://mercury.bao.ac.cn:9006/mh/fdi/badges/master/index.html

.. tip::
It is a good idea to add --user
at the end or to use a virtualenv to avoid disturbing your system Python setup.
For Users
If you need to use fdi, install from PyPI:
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install fdi
or from git repo:
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install http://mercury.bao.ac.cn:9006/mh/fdi/-/archive/master/fdi-master.tar.gz
If you want to install the develop
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install fdi[DEV]
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install http://mercury.bao.ac.cn:9006/mh/fdi/-/archive/develop/fdi-develop.tar.gz#egg=fdi[DEV]
If you do not need to run tests, remove [DEV]
to save time and disk space.
To uninstall:
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip uninstall fdi
For Developers (or Those who are Not Sure which to Choose)
To install
.. code-block:: shell
FDIINSTDIR=/tmp # change this to your installation dir
git clone http://mercury.bao.ac.cn:9006/mh/fdi.git
cd fdi
git checkout develop
make install EXT="[DEV]"
If you want to install the master
branch, remove the git checkout develop
line above.
To test your installation
.. code-block:: shell
make test
.. tip::
To pass command-line arguments to pytest
do, for example,
.. code-block:: shell
make test T='-k Bas'
to test BaseProduct
To Generate Python Product Source Code
Re-generate baseproduct.py
and product.py
from YAML schema files in
.. code-block:: shell
make py
Learn/Try the HTTP Pool Server APIs
The APIs are documented in fdi/httppool/schema/pools.yml
with OpenAPI 3. Run this to see and try out with Swagger API Docs when the server is running:
.. code-block:: shell
Modify/Generate Documents
If you plan to compile documents in the docs
directory, generate diagrams, API files, or HTML pages, run (in that order, respectively):
First run this once to install necessary packages:
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install -U -e .[PUB]
Then when you need to make new class diagrams, API docs, or HTML pages:
.. code-block:: shell
make docs_plots
make docs_api
make docs_html
The generated HTML page is at docs/html/index.html
.. note:: https://readthedocs.io makes web pages from sources in docs/sphinx
in the repository. Locally generated HTML pages are not on RTD or in the repository. The API files and plots, however, are in api
and _static
sub-directpries, respectively.
Run Servers and Quick Tests
If you plan to run the pns
and/or the http pool server
first install the dependencies:
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m pip install -e .[SERV]
make installpns
To test your pns
servers installation, in one window, run:
.. code-block:: shell
make runserver
in another window run:
.. code-block:: shell
make testpns
To test your httppool
servers installation, make sure to stop other server such as pnsserver
above, then in one window, run:
.. code-block:: shell
make runpoolserver
in another window run:
.. code-block:: shell
make testhttp
Docker Containers
Get the fdi
docker with running FDI environment:
.. code-block:: shell
docker pull mhastro/fdi
or build the image locally:
.. code-block:: shell
make build_docker
Launch and login
.. code-block:: shell
make launch_docker
make it
Also available is a HttpPool
server made from Ubuntu and apache:
.. code-block:: shell
docker pull mhastro/httppool
To build the image locally:
.. code-block:: shell
make build_server
Launch and connect:
.. code-block:: shell
make launch_server
curl -i
Run the above in the package root directory of fdi. A file named .secret
is needed by the build and launch commands. This is an example::
For More
For more examples see tests/test_*.py
Read more on package introduction, description, quick start, and API
documents on readthedocs.io <https://fdi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>