FedCloud client: Command-line client and library for EGI Federated Cloud

TL;DR: Visit the cheat sheet for real examples of
fedcloud commands.
The FedCloud client is a high-level Python package for a command-line client
designed for interaction with the OpenStack services in the EGI infrastructure. The client can access various EGI
services and can perform many tasks for users including managing access tokens, listing services, and mainly execute
commands on OpenStack sites in EGI infrastructure.
The most notable features of FedCloud client are following:
have wide ranges of useful commands, including checking access token, searching for services, listing sites and VOs,
and interaction with OpenStack sites.
can perform any OpenStack command on any sites with only three parameters: the site, the VO and the command. For
example, to list virtual machines (VM) images available to members of VO fedcloud.egi.eu on the site CYFRONET-CLOUD,
run the following command:
fedcloud openstack image list --vo fedcloud.egi.eu --site CYFRONET-CLOUD
can perform an action/command on all OpenStack sites in EGI infrastructure by specifying --site ALL_SITES
can be used in scripts for automation or called directly
from Python codes.
Five modules are included: fedcloudclient.checkin for operation with EGI Check-in like getting tokens,
fedcloudclient.endpoint for searching endpoints via GOCDB, getting unscoped/scoped token from OpenStack keystone,
fedcloudclient.sites for managing site configurations, fedcloudclient.openstack for performing OpenStack
operations on sites, and finally fedcloudclient.ec3 for deploying elastic computing clusters in Cloud.
A short tutorial of the fedcloudclient is available in this
The full documentation, including installation, usage and API description is available
at https://fedcloudclient.fedcloud.eu/.
Quick start
Install FedCloud client via pip
pip3 install fedcloudclient
or use Docker container:
docker run -it tdviet/fedcloudclient bash
Get a new access token from EGI Check-in according to instructions from
EGI Check-in Token Portal, or from
and set environment variable.
Check the expiration time of the access token using fedcloud
fedcloud token check
List the VO memberships of the access token:
fedcloud token list-vos
List the OpenStack sites available in EGI Federated Cloud. That may take few seconds because all site configurations
are retrieved from
GitHub repository
fedcloud site list
Save the site configuration to local machine at
to speed up the client's start in the next time:
fedcloud site save-config
Execute an OpenStack command, e.g. list images in fedcloud.egi.eu VO on CYFRONET-CLOUD site (or other combination of
site and VO you have access):
fedcloud openstack image list --site CYFRONET-CLOUD --vo fedcloud.egi.eu
Execute an OpenStack command on all sites, e.g. list VMs in eosc-synergy.eu VO on all OpenStack sites in EGI Federated
fedcloud openstack server list --site ALL_SITES --vo eosc-synergy.eu
Learn more commands of fedcloud
client and experiment with them:
fedcloud --help
fedcloud site --help
Read the
Quick start
for more information about customizations and advanced usages.
Using fedcloudclient as development library
All functionalities offered by the fedcloud client can be used as a library for development of other tools and
services for EGI Federated Cloud. For example, performing openstack command as a function in Python:
from fedcloudclient.openstack import fedcloud_openstack
error_code, result = fedcloud_openstack(oidc_access_token,
See a working example
"demo.py". The documentation of
fedcloudclient API is available at
The fedcloud
client is slow.
Execute command fedcloud site save-config
to download site configurations from
GitHub repository
and save them on a local machine. That will significantly speed up site configurations loading.
Some sites in the repository may not respond, and client has to wait for long time before report "Connection time
out". You can remove the sites from your local repository to speed-up all-sites operations
which is used by oidc-agent
Python library may be frozen at initialization on VMs with low entropy. The
problem is described
here. Check the entropy on the VMs by executing
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
, and if the result is lower than 300, consider installing haveged
or rng-tools
to increase entropy. On VMs with CentOS, you also have to start the daemon manually after installation
(or reboot the VMs)
The fedcloud
client fails with error message
SSL exception connecting to <https://> ...
when attempts to interact with some sites.
Some sites use certificates issued by national grid CAs that are not included in default distribution, so fedcloud
client cannot verify them. Follow this
to install
EGI Core Trust Anchor
and add certificates to Python request certificate bundle.
In the case of using virtual environment for quick test, you can download and import bundle certificates by using the
script from
this repository
The fedcloud
client fails with error message
"VO XX not found on site YY"
, but they do exist.
Site configurations at
GitHub repository
may be incomplete. Check the site configurations stored in
if the VOs are included. If not, you can ask site admins to fix site configuration.
You can also execute
fedcloud endpoint projects --site SITE --oidc-access-token ACCESS_TOKEN
to find project IDs of the VOs on the site
and add the VOs to local site configuration on your machine manually.