An additional module that installs programs/config required to monitor v13 instances via Prometheus.
The released versions are available on PyPi, at this link here:
Use pip to install this module first, then run a configuration stage to integrate this module properly into the v13 server. Don't forget to restart the supervisord daemon!
Note: you need wget to have the scripts work properly
$ sudo su -
$ yum install -y wget
$ /usr/local/filewave/python/bin/pip3 install --upgrade filewave-monitor-v13
$ /usr/local/filewave/python/bin/monitor-v13-install
$ /usr/local/filewave/python.v27/bin/supervisorctl -c /usr/local/etc/filewave/supervisor/supervisord-server.conf reload
Validation (did it all work?):
Check the following:
$ tail -f /tmp/mtail.INFO - this should produce some output and tell you that the mtail progs loaded OK
$ ps -ajx | grep prometheus - should show prometheus running (check http://localhost:21090/targets now!)
The last step is to add a configuration into Grafana for this data source, and to import the performance dashboard.
Prometheus is running on port 21090 (ports were opened by the monitor-v13-install script). You need to create a Prometheus datasource pointing to this host and port 21090.
Lastly; import a new dashboard from using the following ID: 12667