Linters for some common issues we encounter.- flake8-iw
Building and testing
Run command to build wheel and tarball.
python3 -m build
twine check --strict dist/*
twine upload dist/*
Run command to test.
To run package in edit mode (to test on live code) from the directory where running flake8.
This requires pip >= 21.3.1.
pip install -e ../flake8_iw/
Supported lint checks
IW01: Use of patch
Lint check to prevent the use of patch
Recommendation: Use PatchingTestCase
/ PatchingTransactionTestCase
Correct ✅
from instawork.tests import PatchingTestCase
class SignUpUpdatedTests(PatchingTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mock_call = self.patch("apps.auth.signals.task_send_email.delay")
def test_email(self):
def test_sms(self):
mock_sms = self.patch("apps.auth.signals.task_send_sms.delay")
Wrong ⚠️
from unittest.mock import patch
class SignUpUpdatedTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.patcher = patch("apps.auth.signals.task_send_email.delay")
self.mock_email = self.patcher.start()
def tearDown(self):
def test_email(self):
def test_sms(self, mock_sms):
IW02: Use of patch for time freeze
Lint check to prevent the use of patch
to freeze time.
Recommendation: Use freeze_time
from PatchingTestCase
/ PatchingTransactionTestCase
or use freeze_time
decorator or context manager from freezegun
Correct ✅
from django.utils import timezone
from instawork.tests import PatchingTestCase
class UserFeatureViewTests(PatchingTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.now = timezone.now()
def test_feature_view(self):
ufv = None
with freeze_time(self.now):
ufv = UserFeatureView.objects.get_or_create(
user=self.shift.worker, feature=UserFeatureView.FEATURE_1
ufv = UserFeatureView.objects.get_or_create(
user=self.shift.worker, feature=UserFeatureView.FEATURE_1
Wrong ⚠️
from django.utils import timezone
from instawork.tests import PatchingTestCase
class UserFeatureViewTests(PatchingTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.now = timezone.now()
self.mock_call = self.patch("django.utils.timezone.now", return_value=self.now)
def test_feature_view(self):
ufv = UserFeatureView.objects.get_or_create(
user=self.shift.worker, feature=UserFeatureView.FEATURE_1
IW03: Error logging without exception info (exc_info)
Lint check to prevent error logging without exception info.
Recommendation: Add exc_info=True
keyword argument in logger.error()
Correct ✅
import logging
custom_logger = logging.getLogger("module.logger")
class UserFeatureView(Model):
def save(self):
except ValueError as e:
custom_logger.error(e, exc_info=True)
return name
Wrong ⚠️
import logging
custom_logger = logging.getLogger("module.logger")
class UserFeatureView(Model):
def save(self):
except ValueError as e:
return name
IW04: Use of datetime.now
Lint to avoid usage of datetime.now()
which does not contain timezone information and causes various warnings in tests. Use timezone.now()
Correct ✅
from django.utils import timezone
now = timezone.now()
Wrong ⚠️
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
IW05: Use of datetime.replace(tzinfo=XXX)
Lint to avoid usage of datetime.replace(tzinfo=XXX)
which is not a viable way of setting timezones with python/pytz.
Correct ✅
import pytz
from django.utils import timezone
tz = pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")
now_pt = timezone.now().astimezone(tz)
Wrong ⚠️
import pytz
from django.utils import timezone
tz = pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")
now_pt = timezone.now().replace(tzinfo=tz)
IW06: Use of bulk_update/bulk_create without batch_size
Lint to avoid usage of Model.objects.bulk_update / Model.objects.bulk_create. Use Model.objects.bulk_update(batch_size=X)
/ Model.objects.bulk_create(batch_size=X)
Correct ✅
Model.objects.bulk_update([obj1, obj2, ...], batch_size=10)
Model.objects.bulk_create([obj1, obj2, ...], batch_size=10)
Wrong ⚠️
Model.objects.bulk_update([obj1, obj2, ...])
Model.objects.bulk_create([obj1, obj2, ...])
Use our internal decorator instead: instawork.decorators.shared_task
Correct ✅
from instawork.decorators import shared_task
def my_task():
Wrong ⚠️
from celery import shared_task
def my_task():
IW08: use of timezone.activate or timezone.deactivate, use with timezone.override instead
Lint to avoid usage of timezone.activate()
and instead use with timezone.override()
. This is to avoid timezone
leakage between different tests and features.
Correct ✅
from django.utils import timezone
with timezone.override(zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(tzname)):
<Rest of the code>
Wrong ⚠️
from django.utils import timezone
<Rest of the code>
IW09: missing db_constraint=False on foreign key
It's required to pass db_constraint=False when creating a new foreign key relationship.
This is to prevent issues with online schema changes that arise due to MySQL's foreign key
Correct ✅
x = models.ForeignKey(db_constraint=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Wrong ⚠️
x = models.ForeignKey(on_delete=models.CASCADE)
IW10: on_delete=DO_NOTHING on foreign key
It's not advisable to use DO_NOTHING on foreign keys because we have removed
foreign key constraints in the database. It's best to have a strategy that deals
with deletions that doesn't leave "orphaned" foreign key ids.
Correct ✅
x = models.ForeignKey(db_constraint=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Wrong ⚠️
x = models.ForeignKey(db_constraint=False, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
IW11: Use of db_index=True
Use Options.indexes
to define an index rather than argument on field.
See here
Correct ✅
x = models.CharField()
class Meta:
indexes = [
models.Index(fields=["x"], name="x_idx"),
Wrong ⚠️
x = models.CharField(db_index=True)
IW12: Use of unique=True
Use Options.constraints
to define uniqueness rather than argument on field.
See here
and here
Correct ✅
x = models.CharField()
class Meta:
constraints = [
models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["x"], name="unique_x"),
Wrong ⚠️
x = models.CharField(unique=True)
IW13: Use of index_together instead of Options.indexes
Use Options.indexes
to define an index rather than argument on field.
See here
Correct ✅
class Meta:
indexes = [
models.Index(fields=["a", "b"], name="a_b_idx"),
Wrong ⚠️
class Meta:
index_together = (("a", "b"))
IW14: Use of unique_together instead of Options.constraints
Use Options.constraints
to define uniqueness rather than argument on field.
See here
and here
Correct ✅
class Meta:
constraints = [
models.UniqueConstraint(fields=["a", "b"], name="unique_a_b"),
Wrong ⚠️
class Meta:
unique_together = (("a", "b"))
IW15: Use of timezone.now in Factories without LazyAttribute or LazyFunction
Use LazyAttribute
or LazyFunction
in factories with timezone.now
to enable freezegun and avoid unexpected datetimes.
Correct ✅
class TestFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
starts_at = factory.LazyFunction(timezone.now)
Wrong ⚠️
class TestFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
starts_at = timezone.now()
IW16: Using setUpClass and tearDownClass inside a test case, use setUpTestData instead
Avoid using setUpClass and tearDownClass inside a test case
Correct ✅
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(self):
Wrong ⚠️
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
def tearDownClass(self):
IW17: Parameterized must be the topmost decorator
must be above override_config
, override_settings
, etc. Parameterized
does some low-level manipulation and copies functions in a way that may not be compatible with the
way that override decorators work.
Correct ✅
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_something(self, p1, p2):
Wrong ⚠️
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_something(self, p1, p2):
IW18: Direct assignment to constance, use override_config() instead
It's easy to forget to reset a value back to the default when directly overriding it. The decorator
automatically resets the value back to the previous state once the test is complete and is thus
much safer.
Correct ✅
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_something(self):
Wrong ⚠️
class MyTest(TestCase):
def test_something(self):
config.SOME_CONFIG = 1