Flatrtree - Python
Flatrtree is a serialization format and set of libraries for reading and writing R-trees. It's directly inspired by Flatbush and FlatGeobuf, and aims to make tiny, portable R-trees accessible in new contexts.
- Store R-trees to disk or transport them over a network.
- Build R-trees in one language and query them in another.
- Query R-trees before reading the data they index.
$ pip install flatrtree
Flatrtree separates building and querying behavior. The builder doesn’t know how to query an index and the index doesn’t know how it was built. This is inspired by FlatBuffers.
import flatrtree
builder = flatrtree.HilbertBuilder()
for i, item in enumerate(items):
builder.add(i, item.minx, item.miny, item.maxx, item.maxy)
degree = 10
rtree = builder.finish(degree)
for i in rtree.search(minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
item = items[i]
box_dist = flatrtree.planar_box_dist
for i, dist in rtree.neighbors(x, y, box_dist):
if dist > maxDist:
item = item[i]
Flatrtree uses protocol buffers for serialization, taking advantage of varint encoding to reduce the output size in bytes. There are many tradeoffs to explore for serialization and this seems like a good place to start. It wouldn’t be hard to roll your own format with something like FlatBuffers if that better fit your needs.
precision = 7
data = flatrtree.serialize(rtree, precision)
rtree = flatrtree.deserialize(data)
Example Usage
This example builds an R-tree from a newline-delimited GeoJSON file and stores it to disk. The R-tree holds the offset of each feature from the beginning of the file.
import json
import flatrtree
from shapely.geometry import shape
builder = flatrtree.HilbertBuilder()
with open("us-block-groups.json") as f:
pos = f.tell()
line = f.readline()
while line:
feature = json.loads(line)
geom = shape(feature["geometry"])
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = geom.bounds
builder.add(pos, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
pos = f.tell()
line = f.readline()
rtree = builder.finish(flatrtree.DEFAULT_DEGREE)
with open("us-block-groups.json.idx", "wb") as f:
f.write(flatrtree.serialize(rtree, precision=6))
The next example reads the R-tree from disk and searches by a bounding box to find the relevant features. By seeking directly to the GeoJSON features returned by the search, we only read and parse the required data.
import json
import flatrtree
with open("us-block-groups.json.idx", "rb") as f:
rtree = flatrtree.deserialize(f.read())
results = []
with open("tests/us-block-groups.json") as f:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = -96.985931, 32.630123, -96.571198, 32.914180
for pos in rtree.search(minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
feature = json.loads(f.readline())
The next example finds all neighbors with bounds intersecting a radius of the given point.
import json
import flatrtree
with open("us-block-groups.json.idx", "rb") as f:
rtree = flatrtree.deserialize(f.read())
neighbors = []
with open("us-block-groups.json") as f:
x, y = -96.985931, 32.630123
for pos, meters in rtree.neighbors(x, y, flatrtree.geodetic_box_dist):
if meters > 500:
feature = json.loads(f.readline())