very, very fnny
.. image::
library with some helper functions that make more functions for you.
check it out
make a plucker with pluck::
from fnny import pluck as p
from collections import namedtuple
G = namedtuple("G", ["a"])
guys = [G(i) for i in range(10)]
expected = sum(map(lambda x: x.a, guys))
actual = sum(map(p.a, guys))
assert expected == actual
call a method with method::
from fnny import method as m
from test.test_it import _Argless()
no_args = [_Argless() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x:, no_args))
actual = list(map(, no_args))
assert expected == actual
use a partially applied method with partial::
from fnny import partial as pa
from test.test_it import _OneArg()
has_args = [_OneArg() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x: x.add(1), has_args))
actual = list(map(pa.add(1), has_args))
assert expected == actual
partial even supports kwargs::
from test.test_it import _OneKwarg()
has_args = [_OneKwarg() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x: x.derp(something="heyy"), has_args))
actual = list(map(pa.derp(something="heyy"), has_args))
assert expected == actual
but actually, python already has a way more idiomatic way to do all of the above::
guys = [G(i) for i in range(10)]
assert sum(map(lambda x: x.a, guys)) == sum(g.a for g in guys)
no_args = [_Argless() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x:, no_args))
actual = [ for argless in no_args]
assert expected == actual
has_args = [_OneArg() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x: x.add(1), has_args))
actual = [one.add(1) for one in has_args]
assert expected == actual
has_kwargs = [_OneKwarg() for a in range(10)]
expected = list(map(lambda x: x.derp(something="heyy"), has_kwargs))
actual = [kw.derp(something="heyy") for kw in has_kwargs]
assert expected == actual
But maybe there's still a place for a discriptor-based lib for function generation.
I'll add examples as soon as I think of them, I guess.