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.. inclusion-marker-do-not-remove
Deprecation Notice
This (v1.1.3
) will be the final release of the 1.x series of fpvgcc
The tool has evolved to the extent possible within the naive framework
it was originally built on, and a number of open issues cannot be resolved
without refactoring big chunks of the code. fpvgcc v1.1.2
is essentially
functional and will remain available in its present form.
Though I have been unable to find time to maintain and build up the tool
after the original releases, I hope it has been useful to the few people
who've used it.
A number of other tools are now available which do a similar job. While I
have minor qualms about each of those tools, such qualms are mostly
subjective and aesthetic objections. I am forced to admit that fpvgcc
would never have been written if some of those tools had existed at the
time of its writing.
I am considering starting work on a 2.x series of fpvgcc
, which will
likely be a page one rewrite. The following are the main planned changes:
- Reduce the number of assumptions made when parsing map files. For example,
allow multiple object files with the same name.
- Use polars or something suitably performant to store the parsed map
- Add a minimal fastapi interface to be able to provide a GUI using a
webview or similar.
- Remove python 2 support. Minimum python version required will probably
be py37 or py38.
I expect it will be some time before 2.x will be usable. If and when
development starts, it will be available in the v2 branch of this
repository. When v2.x reaches feature parity with v1.1.2, it will be
merged in to main
and python packages for fpvgcc 2.x will be published
to pypi.
Please feel free to write to me at shashank at chintal dot in
if any
of the following apply to you:
- you have been using ``fpvgcc`` or are maintaining a public or private
fork and have any concerns regarding the deprecation or plans for 2.x
- you wish to take over the 1.x codebase and keep it functional and
available in the future
- you have any suggestions for features to include in 2.x
- you wish to contribute to the development of 2.x
is a python script/package to help analyse code footprint on
embedded microcontrollers using GCC generated Map files.
This module uses information contained within .map
files generated by
gcc (when invoked with -Wl,-Map,out.map
), to provide easily
readable summaries of static memory usage at various levels of the code
hierarchy. This package generates no information that isn't already contained
within the .map
The provided outputs can be used to gain insight into the relative sizes of
included code, and aid in prioritizing static memory optimization for very
low memory platforms. Some provided functionality may also deliver minor
usability improvements to the workflow involved in parsing though generated
assembly listings.
.. warning::
This package does not attempt to perform any kind of dynamic analysis.
All memory usage reported refers only to static memory usage. This
means the size of actual functions and global variables which are
instantiated in the C code itself.
Anything on the call stack, such as function locals, will **not** be
accounted for. Similarly, anything in the heap which is allocated at
runtime using ``malloc`` or similar will **not** be accounted for.
Due to this, the utility of this module is likely limited to code
written for highly memory constrained embedded microcontrollers, where
dynamic memory allocation is anyway avoided when possible.
Known Issues
This script was first written based on the format of mapfiles
generated by msp430-elf-gcc, v4.9.1
. Over time, it was modifed to
accept elements found in mapfiles generated by later versions and gcc-based
toolchains for other platforms.
Still, remember that the file parsing was implemented by observing the
content of real mapfiles, and not based on a file format specification.
Even with toolchains it was written to support, there are large sections
of the file that are not actually used. Due to this, the outputs generated
are not always accurate. Various boundary conditions result in minor errors
in size reporting.
The following more serious issues are known. They should be fixed at some
point, but for the moment I've chosen to work around them :
- Having two C filenames with the same name (or generating the same
obj name) in your tree will cause parsing to break on some
platforms / toolchains.
Project Information
The latest version of the documentation, including installation, usage, and
API/developer notes can be found at
ReadTheDocs <https://fpv-gcc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>
The latest version of the sources can be found at
GitHub <https://github.com/ebs-universe/fpv-gcc>
_. Please use GitHub's features
to report bugs, request features, or submit pull/merge requests.
The principle author for fpvgcc
is Chintalagiri Shashank. The author can
be contacted if necessary via the information on the
author's github profile <https://github.com/chintal>
_ . See the AUTHORS file
for a full list of collaborators and/or contributing authors, if any.
is distributed under the terms of the
GPLv3 license <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html>
_ .
A copy of the text of the license is included along with the sources.