|pypi| |conda| |binder| |gitter| |Zenodo DOI|
Scikit-Optimize, or skopt
, is a simple and efficient library to
minimize (very) expensive and noisy black-box functions. It implements
several methods for sequential model-based optimization. skopt
to be accessible and easy to use in many contexts.
The library is built on top of NumPy, SciPy and Scikit-Learn.
We do not perform gradient-based optimization. For gradient-based
optimization algorithms look at
here <http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/optimize.html>
.. figure:: https://github.com/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize/blob/master/media/bo-objective.png
:alt: Approximated objective
Approximated objective function after 50 iterations of gp_minimize
Plot made using skopt.plots.plot_objective
Important links
scikit-optimize requires
- Python >= 3.6
- NumPy (>= 1.13.3)
- SciPy (>= 0.19.1)
- joblib (>= 0.11)
- scikit-learn >= 0.20
- matplotlib >= 2.0.0
You can install the latest release with:
pip install ft-scikit-optimize
This installs an essential version of scikit-optimize. To install scikit-optimize
with plotting functionality, you can instead do:
pip install 'ft-scikit-optimize[plots]'
This will install matplotlib along with scikit-optimize.
In addition there is a conda-forge <https://conda-forge.org/>
_ package
of scikit-optimize:
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-optimize
Using conda-forge is probably the easiest way to install scikit-optimize on
Getting started
Find the minimum of the noisy function f(x)
over the range
-2 < x < 2
with skopt
.. code:: python
import numpy as np
from skopt import gp_minimize
def f(x):
return (np.sin(5 * x[0]) * (1 - np.tanh(x[0] ** 2)) +
np.random.randn() * 0.1)
res = gp_minimize(f, [(-2.0, 2.0)])
For more control over the optimization loop you can use the skopt.Optimizer
.. code:: python
from skopt import Optimizer
opt = Optimizer([(-2.0, 2.0)])
for i in range(20):
suggested = opt.ask()
y = f(suggested)
opt.tell(suggested, y)
print('iteration:', i, suggested, y)
Read our introduction to bayesian optimization <https://scikit-optimize.github.io/stable/auto_examples/bayesian-optimization.html>
and the other examples_.
The library is still experimental and under heavy development. Checkout
the next milestone <https://github.com/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize/milestones>
for the plans for the next release or look at some easy issues <https://github.com/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AEasy>
to get started contributing.
The development version can be installed through:
git clone https://github.com/freqtrade/ft-scikit-optimize.git
cd ft-scikit-optimize
pip install -e.
Run all tests by executing pytest
in the top level directory.
To only run the subset of tests with short run time, you can use pytest -m 'fast_test'
(pytest -m 'slow_test'
is also possible). To exclude all slow running tests try pytest -m 'not slow_test'
This is implemented using pytest attributes <https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/mark.html>
__. If a tests runs longer than 1 second, it is marked as slow, else as fast.
All contributors are welcome!
Making a Release
The release procedure is almost completely automated. By tagging a new release
travis will build all required packages and push them to PyPI. To make a release
create a new issue and work through the following checklist:
* update the version tag in ``__init__.py``
* update the version tag mentioned in the README
* check if the dependencies in ``setup.py`` are valid or need unpinning
* check that the ``doc/whats_new/v0.X.rst`` is up to date
* did the last build of master succeed?
* create a `new release <https://github.com/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize/releases>`__
* ping `conda-forge <https://github.com/conda-forge/scikit-optimize-feedstock>`__
Before making a release we usually create a release candidate. If the next
release is v0.X then the release candidate should be tagged v0.Xrc1 in
``__init__.py``. Mark a release candidate as a "pre-release"
on GitHub when you tag it.
Commercial support
Feel free to `get in touch <mailto:tim@wildtreetech.com>`_ if you need commercial
support or would like to sponsor development. Resources go towards paying
for additional work by seasoned engineers and researchers.
Made possible by
The scikit-optimize project was made possible with the support of
.. image:: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/18165687?v=4&s=128
:alt: Wild Tree Tech
:target: http://wildtreetech.com
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/lgxboT5.jpg
:alt: NYU Center for Data Science
:target: https://cds.nyu.edu/
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/V1VSIvj.jpg
:alt: NSF
:target: https://www.nsf.gov
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/3enQ6S8.jpg
:alt: Northrop Grumman
:target: http://www.northropgrumman.com/Pages/default.aspx
If your employer allows you to work on scikit-optimize during the day and would like
recognition, feel free to add them to the "Made possible by" list.
.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/ft-scikit-optimize.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scikit-optimize
.. |conda| image:: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/scikit-optimize/badges/version.svg
:target: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/scikit-optimize
.. |Logo| image:: https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/185785ft-scikit-optimize50?v=4&s=80
.. |binder| image:: https://mybinder.org/badge.svg
:target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize/master?filepath=examples
.. |gitter| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize.svg
:target: https://gitter.im/scikit-optimize/Lobby
.. |Zenodo DOI| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/54340642.svg
:target: https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/54340642
.. _examples: https://scikit-optimize.github.io/stable/auto_examples/index.html