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Fyers trading APIs.

  • 3.1.7
  • PyPI
  • Socket score


The Fyers API Python client - v3

The official Python client for communicating with the Fyers API



  • Python v3


Install via pip

pip install fyers-apiv3

Breaking changes - v3

v3 is a breaking major release with multiple internal modification to improve user experience.

New Data Socket:

  • Improved tick update speed, ensuring swift and efficient market data updates.
  • Introducing Lite mode for targeted last traded price (LTP) change updates.
  • SymbolUpdate: Real-time symbol-specific updates for instant parameter changes.
  • DepthUpdate: Real-time market depth changes for selected symbols.
  • Increased subscription capacity, accommodating tracking of 200 symbols.
  • Strengthened error handling callbacks for seamless issue resolution.

New Order Socket:

  • Real-time updates for orders.
  • Real-time updates for positions.
  • Real-time updates for trades.
  • Real-time updates for eDIS.
  • Real-time updates for price alerts.
  • Improved error handling callbacks.

Getting started wih API

from fyers_apiv3 import fyersModel
import webbrowser

In order to get started with Fyers API we would like you to do the following things first.
1. Checkout our API docs :
2. Create an APP using our API dashboard :

Once you have created an APP you can start using the below SDK 

#### Generate an authcode and then make a request to generate an accessToken (Login Flow)

1. Input parameters
redirect_uri= "APP REDIRECT URI"  ## redircet_uri you entered while creating APP.
client_id = "XCXXXXXxxM-100"                       ## Client_id here refers to APP_ID of the created app
secret_key = "MH*****TJ5"                          ## app_secret key which you got after creating the app 
grant_type = "authorization_code"                  ## The grant_type always has to be "authorization_code"
response_type = "code"                             ## The response_type always has to be "code"
state = "sample"                                   ##  The state field here acts as a session manager. you will be sent with the state field after successfull generation of auth_code 

### Connect to the sessionModel object here with the required input parameters
appSession = fyersModel.SessionModel(client_id = client_id, redirect_uri = redirect_uri,response_type=response_type,state=state,secret_key=secret_key,grant_type=grant_type)

# ## Make  a request to generate_authcode object this will return a login url which you need to open in your browser from where you can get the generated auth_code 
generateTokenUrl = appSession.generate_authcode()

"""There are two method to get the Login url if  you are not automating the login flow
1. Just by printing the variable name 
2. There is a library named as webbrowser which will then open the url for you without the hasel of copy pasting
both the methods are mentioned below"""

run the code firstly upto this after you generate the auth_code comment the above code and start executing the below code """

### After succesfull login the user can copy the generated auth_code over here and make the request to generate the accessToken 
auth_code = "Paste the auth_code generated from the first request"
response = appSession.generate_token()

## There can be two cases over here you can successfully get the acccessToken over the request or you might get some error over here. so to avoid that have this in try except block
    access_token = response["access_token"]
except Exception as e:
    print(e,response)  ## This will help you in debugging then and there itself like what was the error and also you would be able to see the value you got in response variable. instead of getting key_error for unsuccessfull response.

## Once you have generated accessToken now we can call multiple trading related or data related apis after that in order to do so we need to first initialize the fyerModel object with all the requried params.
fyerModel object takes following values as arguments
1. accessToken : this is the one which you received from above 
2. client_id : this is basically the app_id for the particular app you logged into
fyers = fyersModel.FyersModel(token=access_token,is_async=False,client_id=client_id,log_path="")

## After this point you can call the relevant apis and get started with

1. User Apis : This includes (Profile,Funds,Holdings)

print(fyers.get_profile())  ## This will provide us with the user related data 

print(fyers.funds())        ## This will provide us with the funds the user has 

print(    ## This will provide the available holdings the user has 


2. Transaction Apis : This includes (Tradebook,Orderbook,Positions)

print(fyers.tradebook())   ## This will provide all the trade related information 

print(fyers.orderbook())   ## This will provide the user with all the order realted information 

print(fyers.positions())   ## This will provide the user with all the positions the user has on his end 


3. Order Placement  : This Apis helps to place order. 
There are two ways to place order 
a. single order : wherein you can fire one order at a time 
b. multi order : this is used to place a basket of order but the basket size can max be 10 symbols
c. multileg order : this is used to place a multileg order but the legs size minimum is 2 and maximum is 3


data =  {
    }                              ## This is a sample example to place a limit order you can make the further changes based on your requriements 



data = [{ "symbol":"NSE:SBIN-EQ",
  "stopPrice":0 ,
  "stopPrice":0 ,
}]                                                ### This takes input as a list containing multiple single order data into it and the execution of the orders goes in the same format as mentioned.



data = {
    "orderTag": "tag1",
    "productType": "MARGIN",
    "offlineOrder": False,
    "orderType": "3L",
    "validity": "IOC",
    "legs": {
        "leg1": {
          "symbol": "NSE:SBIN24JUNFUT",
          "qty": 750,
          "side": 1,
          "type": 1,
          "limitPrice": 800
        "leg2": {
            "symbol": "NSE:SBIN24JULFUT",
            "qty": 750,
            "side": 1,
            "type": 1,
            "limitPrice": 800
        "leg3": {
            "symbol": "NSE:SBIN24JUN900CE",
            "qty": 750,
            "side": 1,
            "type": 1,
            "limitPrice": 3
}               ### This is a sample data structure used to place an 3 leg order using multileg order api .you can make the further changes based on your requriements 



4. Other Transaction : This includes (modify_order,exit_position,cancel_order,convert_positions)

## Modify_order request 
data = {
          "limitPrice": 61049,


## Modify Multi Order 

data = [
    { "id":"8102710298291",
  "limitPrice": 61049,
  "limitPrice": 61049,


### Cancel_order
data = {"id":'808058117761'}

### cancel_multi_order 
data  =  [

### Exit Position 
data  = {


### Convert Position

data = {



DATA APIS : This includes following Apis(History,Quotes,MarketDepth)

## Historical Data 

data = {"symbol":"NSE:SBIN-EQ","resolution":"D","date_format":"0","range_from":"1622097600","range_to":"1622097685","cont_flag":"1"}


## Quotes 

data = {"symbols":"NSE:SBIN-EQ"}

## Market Depth 

data = {"symbol":"NSE:SBIN-EQ","ohlcv_flag":"1"}

Getting started with Data Socket

from fyers_apiv3.FyersWebsocket import data_ws

def onmessage(message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("Response:", message)

def onerror(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket errors.

        message (dict): The error message received from the WebSocket.

    print("Error:", message)

def onclose(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket connection close events.
    print("Connection closed:", message)

def onopen():
    Callback function to subscribe to data type and symbols upon WebSocket connection.

    # Specify the data type and symbols you want to subscribe to
    data_type = "SymbolUpdate"
    # data_type = "DepthUpdate"

    # Subscribe to the specified symbols and data type
    symbols = ['NSE:SBIN-EQ', 'NSE:ADANIENT-EQ']
    fyers.subscribe(symbols=symbols, data_type=data_type)

    # Keep the socket running to receive real-time data

# Replace the sample access token with your actual access token obtained from Fyers
access_token = "XCXXXXXXM-100:eyJ0tHfZNSBoLo"

# Create a FyersDataSocket instance with the provided parameters
fyers = data_ws.FyersDataSocket(
    access_token=access_token,       # Access token in the format "appid:accesstoken"
    log_path="",                     # Path to save logs. Leave empty to auto-create logs in the current directory.
    litemode=False,                  # Lite mode disabled. Set to True if you want a lite response.
    write_to_file=False,              # Save response in a log file instead of printing it.
    reconnect=True,                  # Enable auto-reconnection to WebSocket on disconnection.
    on_connect=onopen,               # Callback function to subscribe to data upon connection.
    on_close=onclose,                # Callback function to handle WebSocket connection close events.
    on_error=onerror,                # Callback function to handle WebSocket errors.
    on_message=onmessage             # Callback function to handle incoming messages from the WebSocket.

# Establish a connection to the Fyers WebSocket

Getting started with Order Socket

from fyers_apiv3.FyersWebsocket import order_ws

def onTrade(message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("Trade Response:", message)

def onOrder(message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("Order Response:", message)

def onPosition(message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("Position Response:", message)

def onGeneral(message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("General Response:", message)
def onerror(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket errors.

        message (dict): The error message received from the WebSocket.

    print("Error:", message)

def onclose(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket connection close events.
    print("Connection closed:", message)

def onopen():
    Callback function to subscribe to data type and symbols upon WebSocket connection.

    # Specify the data type and symbols you want to subscribe to
    # data_type = "OnOrders"
    # data_type = "OnTrades"
    # data_type = "OnPositions"
    # data_type = "OnGeneral"
    data_type = "OnOrders,OnTrades,OnPositions,OnGeneral"


    # Keep the socket running to receive real-time data

# Replace the sample access token with your actual access token obtained from Fyers
access_token = "XCXXXXXXM-100:eyJ0tHfZNSBoLo"

# Create a FyersDataSocket instance with the provided parameters
fyers = order_ws.FyersOrderSocket(
    access_token=access_token,  # Your access token for authenticating with the Fyers API.
    write_to_file=False,        # A boolean flag indicating whether to write data to a log file or not.
    log_path="",                # The path to the log file if write_to_file is set to True (empty string means current directory).
    on_connect=onopen,          # Callback function to be executed upon successful WebSocket connection.
    on_close=onclose,           # Callback function to be executed when the WebSocket connection is closed.
    on_error=onerror,           # Callback function to handle any WebSocket errors that may occur.
    on_general=onGeneral,       # Callback function to handle general events from the WebSocket.
    on_orders=onOrder,          # Callback function to handle order-related events from the WebSocket.
    on_positions=onPosition,    # Callback function to handle position-related events from the WebSocket.
    on_trades=onTrade           # Callback function to handle trade-related events from the WebSocket.

# Establish a connection to the Fyers WebSocket

Getting started with TBT Socket

from  fyers_apiv3.FyersWebsocket.tbt_ws import FyersTbtSocket, SubscriptionModes

def on_depth_update(ticker, message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        ticker (str): The symbol for which the message is received.
        message (dict): The received message from the WebSocket.

    print("Depth Response:", ticker, message)

def onerror_message( message):
    Callback function to handle incoming messages from the FyersDataSocket WebSocket.

        message (str): error message from the server

    print("server returned error:", message)

def onerror(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket errors.

        message (dict): The error message received from the WebSocket.

    print("Error:", message)

def onclose(message):
    Callback function to handle WebSocket connection close events.
    print("Connection closed:", message)

def onopen():
    Callback function to subscribe to data type and symbols upon WebSocket connection.

    print("Connection opened")
    # Specify the data type and symbols you want to subscribe to
    mode = SubscriptionModes.DEPTH
    Channel = '1'
    # Subscribe to the specified symbols and data type
    symbols = ['NSE:NIFTY25MARFUT']
    fyers.subscribe(symbol_tickers=symbols, channelNo=Channel, mode=mode)
    fyers.switchChannel(resume_channels=[Channel], pause_channels=[])

    # Keep the socket running to receive real-time data

# Replace the sample access token with your actual access token obtained from Fyers
access_token = "XCXXXXXXM-100:eyJ0tHfZNSBoLo"

fyers = FyersTbtSocket(
    access_token=access_token,  # Your access token for authenticating with the Fyers API.
    write_to_file=False,        # A boolean flag indicating whether to write data to a log file or not.
    log_path="",                # The path to the log file if write_to_file is set to True (empty string means current directory).
    on_open=onopen,          # Callback function to be executed upon successful WebSocket connection.
    on_close=onclose,           # Callback function to be executed when the WebSocket connection is closed.
    on_error=onerror,           # Callback function to handle any WebSocket errors that may occur.
    on_depth_update=on_depth_update, # Callback function to handle depth-related events from the WebSocket
    on_error_message=onerror_message         # Callback function to handle server-related erros from the WebSocket.

# Establish a connection to the Fyers WebSocket


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