EarnUniApi | list_uni_currencies | GET /earn/uni/currencies | List currencies for lending |
EarnUniApi | get_uni_currency | GET /earn/uni/currencies/{currency} | Get currency detail for lending |
EarnUniApi | list_user_uni_lends | GET /earn/uni/lends | List user's lending orders |
EarnUniApi | create_uni_lend | POST /earn/uni/lends | Lend or redeem |
EarnUniApi | change_uni_lend | PATCH /earn/uni/lends | Amend lending order |
EarnUniApi | list_uni_lend_records | GET /earn/uni/lend_records | List records of lending |
EarnUniApi | get_uni_interest | GET /earn/uni/interests/{currency} | Get the user's total interest income of specified currency |
EarnUniApi | list_uni_interest_records | GET /earn/uni/interest_records | List interest records |
EarnUniApi | switch_interest_reinvest | PUT /earn/uni/interest_reinvest | Set interest reinvestment toggle |
EarnUniApi | get_uni_interest_status | GET /earn/uni/interest_status/{currency} | query currency interest compounding status |
MarginUniApi | list_uni_currency_pairs | GET /margin/uni/currency_pairs | List lending markets |
MarginUniApi | get_uni_currency_pair | GET /margin/uni/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} | Get detail of lending market |
MarginUniApi | get_margin_uni_estimate_rate | GET /margin/uni/estimate_rate | Estimate interest Rate |
MarginUniApi | list_uni_loans | GET /margin/uni/loans | List loans |
MarginUniApi | create_uni_loan | POST /margin/uni/loans | Borrow or repay |
MarginUniApi | list_uni_loan_records | GET /margin/uni/loan_records | Get load records |
MarginUniApi | list_uni_loan_interest_records | GET /margin/uni/interest_records | List interest records |
MarginUniApi | get_uni_borrowable | GET /margin/uni/borrowable | Get maximum borrowable |
SubAccountApi | list_sub_accounts | GET /sub_accounts | List sub-accounts |
SubAccountApi | create_sub_accounts | POST /sub_accounts | Create a new sub-account |
SubAccountApi | get_sub_account | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id} | Get the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | list_sub_account_keys | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys | List all API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | create_sub_account_keys | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys | Create API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | get_sub_account_key | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Get the API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | update_sub_account_keys | PUT /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Update API key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | delete_sub_account_keys | DELETE /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Delete API key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | lock_sub_account | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/lock | Lock the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | unlock_sub_account | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/unlock | Unlock the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | list_unified_mode | GET /sub_accounts/unified_mode | Get sub-account mode |
UnifiedApi | list_unified_accounts | GET /unified/accounts | Get unified account information |
UnifiedApi | list_unified_account_mode | GET /unified/account_mode | Inquire about unified account mode (deprecated) |
UnifiedApi | set_unified_account_mode | POST /unified/account_mode | Set unified account mode (deprecated) |
UnifiedApi | get_unified_borrowable | GET /unified/borrowable | Query about the maximum borrowing for the unified account |
UnifiedApi | get_unified_transferable | GET /unified/transferable | Query about the maximum transferable for the unified account |
UnifiedApi | list_unified_loans | GET /unified/loans | List loans |
UnifiedApi | create_unified_loan | POST /unified/loans | Borrow or repay |
UnifiedApi | list_unified_loan_records | GET /unified/loan_records | Get load records |
UnifiedApi | list_unified_loan_interest_records | GET /unified/interest_records | List interest records |
UnifiedApi | get_unified_risk_units | GET /unified/risk_units | Retrieve user risk unit details, only valid in portfolio margin mode |
UnifiedApi | get_unified_mode | GET /unified/unified_mode | Query mode of the unified account |
UnifiedApi | set_unified_mode | PUT /unified/unified_mode | Set mode of the unified account |
UnifiedApi | get_unified_estimate_rate | GET /unified/estimate_rate | Get unified estimate rate |
UnifiedApi | list_currency_discount_tiers | GET /unified/currency_discount_tiers | List currency discount tiers |
UnifiedApi | list_loan_margin_tiers | GET /unified/loan_margin_tiers | List loan margin tiers |
UnifiedApi | calculate_portfolio_margin | POST /unified/portfolio_calculator | Portfolio margin calculator |
UnifiedApi | get_user_leverage_currency_config | GET /unified/leverage/user_currency_config | The maximum and minimum leverage multiples that users can set for a currency type are: |
UnifiedApi | get_user_leverage_currency_setting | GET /unified/leverage/user_currency_setting | Get the user's currency leverage. If currency is not passed, query all currencies. |
UnifiedApi | set_user_leverage_currency_setting | POST /unified/leverage/user_currency_setting | Set the currency leverage ratio |
AccountApi | get_account_detail | GET /account/detail | Get account detail |
AccountApi | get_account_rate_limit | GET /account/rate_limit | Get user transaction rate limit information |
AccountApi | list_stp_groups | GET /account/stp_groups | List STP Groups |
AccountApi | create_stp_group | POST /account/stp_groups | Create STP Group |
AccountApi | list_stp_groups_users | GET /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | List users of the STP group |
AccountApi | add_stp_group_users | POST /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | Add users to the STP group |
AccountApi | delete_stp_group_users | DELETE /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | Delete the user in the STP group |
AccountApi | get_debit_fee | GET /account/debit_fee | Query GT deduction configuration. |
AccountApi | set_debit_fee | POST /account/debit_fee | Set GT deduction. |
CollateralLoanApi | list_collateral_loan_orders | GET /loan/collateral/orders | List Orders |
CollateralLoanApi | create_collateral_loan | POST /loan/collateral/orders | Place order |
CollateralLoanApi | get_collateral_loan_order_detail | GET /loan/collateral/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
CollateralLoanApi | repay_collateral_loan | POST /loan/collateral/repay | Repayment |
CollateralLoanApi | list_repay_records | GET /loan/collateral/repay_records | Repayment history |
CollateralLoanApi | list_collateral_records | GET /loan/collateral/collaterals | Query collateral adjustment records |
CollateralLoanApi | operate_collateral | POST /loan/collateral/collaterals | Increase or redeem collateral |
CollateralLoanApi | get_user_total_amount | GET /loan/collateral/total_amount | Query the total borrowing and collateral amount for the user |
CollateralLoanApi | get_user_ltv_info | GET /loan/collateral/ltv | Query user's collateralization ratio |
CollateralLoanApi | list_collateral_currencies | GET /loan/collateral/currencies | Query supported borrowing and collateral currencies |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_contracts | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts | List all futures contracts |
DeliveryApi | get_delivery_contract | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts/{contract} | Get a single contract |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_order_book | GET /delivery/{settle}/order_book | Futures order book |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_trades | GET /delivery/{settle}/trades | Futures trading history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_candlesticks | GET /delivery/{settle}/candlesticks | Get futures candlesticks |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_tickers | GET /delivery/{settle}/tickers | List futures tickers |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_insurance_ledger | GET /delivery/{settle}/insurance | Futures insurance balance history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_accounts | GET /delivery/{settle}/accounts | Query futures account |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_account_book | GET /delivery/{settle}/account_book | Query account book |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_positions | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions | List all positions of a user |
DeliveryApi | get_delivery_position | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract} | Get single position |
DeliveryApi | update_delivery_position_margin | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin |
DeliveryApi | update_delivery_position_leverage | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage |
DeliveryApi | update_delivery_position_risk_limit | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_orders | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders | List futures orders |
DeliveryApi | create_delivery_order | POST /delivery/{settle}/orders | Create a futures order |
DeliveryApi | cancel_delivery_orders | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders | Cancel all `open` orders matched |
DeliveryApi | get_delivery_order | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
DeliveryApi | cancel_delivery_order | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
DeliveryApi | get_my_delivery_trades | GET /delivery/{settle}/my_trades | List personal trading history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_position_close | GET /delivery/{settle}/position_close | List position close history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_liquidates | GET /delivery/{settle}/liquidates | List liquidation history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_settlements | GET /delivery/{settle}/settlements | List settlement history |
DeliveryApi | list_delivery_risk_limit_tiers | GET /delivery/{settle}/risk_limit_tiers | List risk limit tiers |
DeliveryApi | list_price_triggered_delivery_orders | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | List all auto orders |
DeliveryApi | create_price_triggered_delivery_order | POST /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
DeliveryApi | cancel_price_triggered_delivery_order_list | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
DeliveryApi | get_price_triggered_delivery_order | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
DeliveryApi | cancel_price_triggered_delivery_order | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
EarnApi | swap_eth2 | POST /earn/staking/eth2/swap | ETH2 swap |
EarnApi | list_dual_investment_plans | GET /earn/dual/investment_plan | Dual Investment product list |
EarnApi | list_dual_orders | GET /earn/dual/orders | Dual Investment order list |
EarnApi | place_dual_order | POST /earn/dual/orders | Place Dual Investment order |
EarnApi | list_structured_products | GET /earn/structured/products | Structured Product List |
EarnApi | list_structured_orders | GET /earn/structured/orders | Structured Product Order List |
EarnApi | place_structured_order | POST /earn/structured/orders | Place Structured Product Order |
FlashSwapApi | list_flash_swap_currencies | GET /flash_swap/currencies | List All Supported Currencies In Flash Swap (deprecated) |
FlashSwapApi | list_flash_swap_currency_pair | GET /flash_swap/currency_pairs | List All Supported Currency Pairs In Flash Swap |
FlashSwapApi | list_flash_swap_orders | GET /flash_swap/orders | List all flash swap orders |
FlashSwapApi | create_flash_swap_order | POST /flash_swap/orders | Create a flash swap order |
FlashSwapApi | get_flash_swap_order | GET /flash_swap/orders/{order_id} | Get a single flash swap order's detail |
FlashSwapApi | preview_flash_swap_order | POST /flash_swap/orders/preview | Initiate a flash swap order preview |
FuturesApi | list_futures_contracts | GET /futures/{settle}/contracts | List all futures contracts |
FuturesApi | get_futures_contract | GET /futures/{settle}/contracts/{contract} | Get a single contract |
FuturesApi | list_futures_order_book | GET /futures/{settle}/order_book | Futures order book |
FuturesApi | list_futures_trades | GET /futures/{settle}/trades | Futures trading history |
FuturesApi | list_futures_candlesticks | GET /futures/{settle}/candlesticks | Get futures candlesticks |
FuturesApi | list_futures_premium_index | GET /futures/{settle}/premium_index | Premium Index K-Line |
FuturesApi | list_futures_tickers | GET /futures/{settle}/tickers | List futures tickers |
FuturesApi | list_futures_funding_rate_history | GET /futures/{settle}/funding_rate | Funding rate history |
FuturesApi | list_futures_insurance_ledger | GET /futures/{settle}/insurance | Futures insurance balance history |
FuturesApi | list_contract_stats | GET /futures/{settle}/contract_stats | Futures stats |
FuturesApi | get_index_constituents | GET /futures/{settle}/index_constituents/{index} | Get index constituents |
FuturesApi | list_liquidated_orders | GET /futures/{settle}/liq_orders | Retrieve liquidation history |
FuturesApi | list_futures_risk_limit_tiers | GET /futures/{settle}/risk_limit_tiers | List risk limit tiers |
FuturesApi | list_futures_accounts | GET /futures/{settle}/accounts | Query futures account |
FuturesApi | list_futures_account_book | GET /futures/{settle}/account_book | Query account book |
FuturesApi | list_positions | GET /futures/{settle}/positions | List all positions of a user |
FuturesApi | get_position | GET /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract} | Get single position |
FuturesApi | update_position_margin | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin |
FuturesApi | update_position_leverage | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage |
FuturesApi | update_position_risk_limit | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit |
FuturesApi | set_dual_mode | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_mode | Enable or disable dual mode |
FuturesApi | get_dual_mode_position | GET /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract} | Retrieve position detail in dual mode |
FuturesApi | update_dual_mode_position_margin | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin in dual mode |
FuturesApi | update_dual_mode_position_leverage | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage in dual mode |
FuturesApi | update_dual_mode_position_risk_limit | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit in dual mode |
FuturesApi | list_futures_orders | GET /futures/{settle}/orders | List futures orders |
FuturesApi | create_futures_order | POST /futures/{settle}/orders | Create a futures order |
FuturesApi | cancel_futures_orders | DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders | Cancel all `open` orders matched |
FuturesApi | get_orders_with_time_range | GET /futures/{settle}/orders_timerange | List Futures Orders By Time Range |
FuturesApi | create_batch_futures_order | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_orders | Create a batch of futures orders |
FuturesApi | get_futures_order | GET /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
FuturesApi | amend_futures_order | PUT /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Amend an order |
FuturesApi | cancel_futures_order | DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
FuturesApi | get_my_trades | GET /futures/{settle}/my_trades | List personal trading history |
FuturesApi | get_my_trades_with_time_range | GET /futures/{settle}/my_trades_timerange | List personal trading history by time range |
FuturesApi | list_position_close | GET /futures/{settle}/position_close | List position close history |
FuturesApi | list_liquidates | GET /futures/{settle}/liquidates | List liquidation history |
FuturesApi | list_auto_deleverages | GET /futures/{settle}/auto_deleverages | List Auto-Deleveraging History |
FuturesApi | countdown_cancel_all_futures | POST /futures/{settle}/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
FuturesApi | get_futures_fee | GET /futures/{settle}/fee | Query user trading fee rates |
FuturesApi | cancel_batch_future_orders | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_cancel_orders | Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list |
FuturesApi | amend_batch_future_orders | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_amend_orders | Batch modify orders with specified IDs |
FuturesApi | list_price_triggered_orders | GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders | List all auto orders |
FuturesApi | create_price_triggered_order | POST /futures/{settle}/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
FuturesApi | cancel_price_triggered_order_list | DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
FuturesApi | get_price_triggered_order | GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
FuturesApi | cancel_price_triggered_order | DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
MarginApi | list_margin_accounts | GET /margin/accounts | Margin account list |
MarginApi | list_margin_account_book | GET /margin/account_book | List margin account balance change history |
MarginApi | list_funding_accounts | GET /margin/funding_accounts | Funding account list |
MarginApi | get_auto_repay_status | GET /margin/auto_repay | Retrieve user auto repayment setting |
MarginApi | set_auto_repay | POST /margin/auto_repay | Update user's auto repayment setting |
MarginApi | get_margin_transferable | GET /margin/transferable | Get the max transferable amount for a specific margin currency |
MarginApi | list_margin_currency_pairs | GET /margin/currency_pairs | List all supported currency pairs supported in margin trading(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | get_margin_currency_pair | GET /margin/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} | Query one single margin currency pair(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | list_funding_book | GET /margin/funding_book | Order book of lending loans(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | list_loans | GET /margin/loans | List all loans(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | create_loan | POST /margin/loans | Lend or borrow(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | merge_loans | POST /margin/merged_loans | Merge multiple lending loans(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | get_loan | GET /margin/loans/{loan_id} | Retrieve one single loan detail(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | cancel_loan | DELETE /margin/loans/{loan_id} | Cancel lending loan(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | update_loan | PATCH /margin/loans/{loan_id} | Modify a loan(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | list_loan_repayments | GET /margin/loans/{loan_id}/repayment | List loan repayment records(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | repay_loan | POST /margin/loans/{loan_id}/repayment | Repay a loan(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | list_loan_records | GET /margin/loan_records | List repayment records of a specific loan(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | get_loan_record | GET /margin/loan_records/{loan_record_id} | Get one single loan record(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | update_loan_record | PATCH /margin/loan_records/{loan_record_id} | Modify a loan record(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | get_margin_borrowable | GET /margin/borrowable | Get the max borrowable amount for a specific margin currency(Deprecated) |
MarginApi | list_cross_margin_currencies | GET /margin/cross/currencies | Currencies supported by cross margin. |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_currency | GET /margin/cross/currencies/{currency} | Retrieve detail of one single currency supported by cross margin |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_account | GET /margin/cross/accounts | Retrieve cross margin account |
MarginApi | list_cross_margin_account_book | GET /margin/cross/account_book | Retrieve cross margin account change history |
MarginApi | list_cross_margin_loans | GET /margin/cross/loans | List cross margin borrow history |
MarginApi | create_cross_margin_loan | POST /margin/cross/loans | Create a cross margin borrow loan |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_loan | GET /margin/cross/loans/{loan_id} | Retrieve single borrow loan detail |
MarginApi | list_cross_margin_repayments | GET /margin/cross/repayments | Retrieve cross margin repayments |
MarginApi | repay_cross_margin_loan | POST /margin/cross/repayments | Cross margin repayments |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_interest_records | GET /margin/cross/interest_records | Interest records for the cross margin account |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_transferable | GET /margin/cross/transferable | Get the max transferable amount for a specific cross margin currency |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_estimate_rate | GET /margin/cross/estimate_rate | Estimated interest rates |
MarginApi | get_cross_margin_borrowable | GET /margin/cross/borrowable | Get the max borrowable amount for a specific cross margin currency |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | list_multi_collateral_orders | GET /loan/multi_collateral/orders | List Multi-Collateral Orders |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | create_multi_collateral | POST /loan/multi_collateral/orders | Create Multi-Collateral Order |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | get_multi_collateral_order_detail | GET /loan/multi_collateral/orders/{order_id} | Get Multi-Collateral Order Detail |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | list_multi_repay_records | GET /loan/multi_collateral/repay | List Multi-Collateral Repay Records |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | repay_multi_collateral_loan | POST /loan/multi_collateral/repay | Repay Multi-Collateral Loan |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | list_multi_collateral_records | GET /loan/multi_collateral/mortgage | Query collateral adjustment records |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | operate_multi_collateral | POST /loan/multi_collateral/mortgage | Operate Multi-Collateral |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | list_user_currency_quota | GET /loan/multi_collateral/currency_quota | List User Currency Quota |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | list_multi_collateral_currencies | GET /loan/multi_collateral/currencies | Query supported borrowing and collateral currencies in Multi-Collateral |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | get_multi_collateral_ltv | GET /loan/multi_collateral/ltv | Get Multi-Collateral ratio |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | get_multi_collateral_fix_rate | GET /loan/multi_collateral/fixed_rate | Query fixed interest rates for the currency for 7 days and 30 days |
OptionsApi | list_options_underlyings | GET /options/underlyings | List all underlyings |
OptionsApi | list_options_expirations | GET /options/expirations | List all expiration times |
OptionsApi | list_options_contracts | GET /options/contracts | List all the contracts with specified underlying and expiration time |
OptionsApi | get_options_contract | GET /options/contracts/{contract} | Query specified contract detail |
OptionsApi | list_options_settlements | GET /options/settlements | List settlement history |
OptionsApi | get_options_settlement | GET /options/settlements/{contract} | Get specified contract's settlement |
OptionsApi | list_my_options_settlements | GET /options/my_settlements | List my options settlements |
OptionsApi | list_options_order_book | GET /options/order_book | Options order book |
OptionsApi | list_options_tickers | GET /options/tickers | List tickers of options contracts |
OptionsApi | list_options_underlying_tickers | GET /options/underlying/tickers/{underlying} | Get underlying ticker |
OptionsApi | list_options_candlesticks | GET /options/candlesticks | Get options candlesticks |
OptionsApi | list_options_underlying_candlesticks | GET /options/underlying/candlesticks | Mark price candlesticks of an underlying |
OptionsApi | list_options_trades | GET /options/trades | Options trade history |
OptionsApi | list_options_account | GET /options/accounts | List options account |
OptionsApi | list_options_account_book | GET /options/account_book | List account changing history |
OptionsApi | list_options_positions | GET /options/positions | List user's positions of specified underlying |
OptionsApi | get_options_position | GET /options/positions/{contract} | Get specified contract position |
OptionsApi | list_options_position_close | GET /options/position_close | List user's liquidation history of specified underlying |
OptionsApi | list_options_orders | GET /options/orders | List options orders |
OptionsApi | create_options_order | POST /options/orders | Create an options order |
OptionsApi | cancel_options_orders | DELETE /options/orders | Cancel all `open` orders matched |
OptionsApi | get_options_order | GET /options/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
OptionsApi | cancel_options_order | DELETE /options/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
OptionsApi | countdown_cancel_all_options | POST /options/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
OptionsApi | list_my_options_trades | GET /options/my_trades | List personal trading history |
OptionsApi | get_options_mmp | GET /options/mmp | MMP Query |
OptionsApi | set_options_mmp | POST /options/mmp | MMP Settings |
OptionsApi | reset_options_mmp | POST /options/mmp/reset | MMP Reset |
RebateApi | agency_transaction_history | GET /rebate/agency/transaction_history | The agency obtains the transaction history of the recommended user |
RebateApi | agency_commissions_history | GET /rebate/agency/commission_history | The agency obtains the commission history of the recommended user |
RebateApi | partner_transaction_history | GET /rebate/partner/transaction_history | Partner obtains transaction records of recommended users |
RebateApi | partner_commissions_history | GET /rebate/partner/commission_history | Partner obtains commission records of recommended users |
RebateApi | partner_sub_list | GET /rebate/partner/sub_list | Partner subordinate list |
RebateApi | rebate_broker_commission_history | GET /rebate/broker/commission_history | The broker obtains the user's commission rebate records |
RebateApi | rebate_broker_transaction_history | GET /rebate/broker/transaction_history | The broker obtains the user's trading history |
RebateApi | rebate_user_info | GET /rebate/user/info | User retrieves rebate information |
SpotApi | list_currencies | GET /spot/currencies | List all currencies' details |
SpotApi | get_currency | GET /spot/currencies/{currency} | Get details of a specific currency |
SpotApi | list_currency_pairs | GET /spot/currency_pairs | List all currency pairs supported |
SpotApi | get_currency_pair | GET /spot/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} | Get details of a specifc currency pair |
SpotApi | list_tickers | GET /spot/tickers | Retrieve ticker information |
SpotApi | list_order_book | GET /spot/order_book | Retrieve order book |
SpotApi | list_trades | GET /spot/trades | Retrieve market trades |
SpotApi | list_candlesticks | GET /spot/candlesticks | Market candlesticks |
SpotApi | get_fee | GET /spot/fee | Query user trading fee rates |
SpotApi | get_batch_spot_fee | GET /spot/batch_fee | Query a batch of user trading fee rates |
SpotApi | list_spot_accounts | GET /spot/accounts | List spot accounts |
SpotApi | list_spot_account_book | GET /spot/account_book | Query account book |
SpotApi | create_batch_orders | POST /spot/batch_orders | Create a batch of orders |
SpotApi | list_all_open_orders | GET /spot/open_orders | List all open orders |
SpotApi | create_cross_liquidate_order | POST /spot/cross_liquidate_orders | close position when cross-currency is disabled |
SpotApi | list_orders | GET /spot/orders | List orders |
SpotApi | create_order | POST /spot/orders | Create an order |
SpotApi | cancel_orders | DELETE /spot/orders | Cancel all `open` orders in specified currency pair |
SpotApi | cancel_batch_orders | POST /spot/cancel_batch_orders | Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list |
SpotApi | get_order | GET /spot/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
SpotApi | cancel_order | DELETE /spot/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
SpotApi | amend_order | PATCH /spot/orders/{order_id} | Amend an order |
SpotApi | list_my_trades | GET /spot/my_trades | List personal trading history |
SpotApi | get_system_time | GET /spot/time | Get server current time |
SpotApi | countdown_cancel_all_spot | POST /spot/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
SpotApi | amend_batch_orders | POST /spot/amend_batch_orders | Batch modification of orders |
SpotApi | list_spot_price_triggered_orders | GET /spot/price_orders | Retrieve running auto order list |
SpotApi | create_spot_price_triggered_order | POST /spot/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
SpotApi | cancel_spot_price_triggered_order_list | DELETE /spot/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
SpotApi | get_spot_price_triggered_order | GET /spot/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
SpotApi | cancel_spot_price_triggered_order | DELETE /spot/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
WalletApi | list_currency_chains | GET /wallet/currency_chains | List chains supported for specified currency |
WalletApi | get_deposit_address | GET /wallet/deposit_address | Generate currency deposit address |
WalletApi | list_withdrawals | GET /wallet/withdrawals | Retrieve withdrawal records |
WalletApi | list_deposits | GET /wallet/deposits | Retrieve deposit records |
WalletApi | transfer | POST /wallet/transfers | Transfer between trading accounts |
WalletApi | list_sub_account_transfers | GET /wallet/sub_account_transfers | Retrieve transfer records between main and sub accounts |
WalletApi | transfer_with_sub_account | POST /wallet/sub_account_transfers | Transfer between main and sub accounts |
WalletApi | sub_account_to_sub_account | POST /wallet/sub_account_to_sub_account | Sub-account transfers to sub-account |
WalletApi | list_withdraw_status | GET /wallet/withdraw_status | Retrieve withdrawal status |
WalletApi | list_sub_account_balances | GET /wallet/sub_account_balances | Retrieve sub account balances |
WalletApi | list_sub_account_margin_balances | GET /wallet/sub_account_margin_balances | Query sub accounts' margin balances |
WalletApi | list_sub_account_futures_balances | GET /wallet/sub_account_futures_balances | Query sub accounts' futures account balances |
WalletApi | list_sub_account_cross_margin_balances | GET /wallet/sub_account_cross_margin_balances | Query subaccount's cross_margin account info |
WalletApi | list_saved_address | GET /wallet/saved_address | Query saved address |
WalletApi | get_trade_fee | GET /wallet/fee | Retrieve personal trading fee |
WalletApi | get_total_balance | GET /wallet/total_balance | Retrieve user's total balances |
WalletApi | list_small_balance | GET /wallet/small_balance | List small balance |
WalletApi | convert_small_balance | POST /wallet/small_balance | Convert small balance |
WalletApi | list_small_balance_history | GET /wallet/small_balance_history | List small balance history |
WalletApi | list_push_orders | GET /wallet/push | Retrieve the UID transfer history |
WithdrawalApi | withdraw | POST /withdrawals | Withdraw |
WithdrawalApi | withdraw_push_order | POST /withdrawals/push | UID transfer |
WithdrawalApi | cancel_withdrawal | DELETE /withdrawals/{withdrawal_id} | Cancel withdrawal with specified ID |