Dataproc Templates (Python - PySpark)
Dataproc Templates (Python - PySpark) supports submitting jobs to both Dataproc Serverless using batches submit pyspark and Dataproc Cluster using jobs submit pyspark
Run using PyPi package
In this README, you see instructions on how to run the templates.
Currently, 3 options are described:
- Using bin/start.sh
- Using gcloud CLI
- Using Vertex AI
Those 3 options require you to clone this repo and start running the templates.
The Dataproc Templates PyPi package is a 4th option to run templates from a PySpark environment directly (Dataproc or local/another).
!pip3 install --user google-dataproc-templates==0.0.3
from dataproc_templates.bigquery.bigquery_to_gcs import BigQueryToGCSTemplate
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
args = dict()
args["bigquery.gcs.input.table"] = "<bq_dataset>.<bq_table>"
args["bigquery.gcs.input.location"] = "<location>"
args["bigquery.gcs.output.format"] = "<format>"
args["bigquery.gcs.output.mode"] = "<mode>"
args["bigquery.gcs.output.location"] = "gs://<bucket_name/path>"
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.enableHiveSupport() \
template = BigQueryToGCSTemplate()
template.run(spark, args)
Pro Tip: Start a Dataproc Serverless Spark sessions in a Vertex AI managed notebook, and leverage a serverless Spark session, in which your job will run using Dataproc Serverless, instead of your local PySpark environment.
While this provides an easy way to get started, remember that the bin/start.sh already provides an easy way for you to, for example, specify required .jar dependencies. Using the PyPi package, you need to configure your PySpark sessions in accordance with the requirements of your specific template. You would need to, for example, specify the spark.driver.extraClassPath configuration:
spark = SparkSession.builder \
... \
.config('spark.driver.extraClassPath', '<template_required_dependency>.jar')
... \
Setting up the local environment
It is recommended to use a virtual environment when setting up the local environment. This setup is not required for submitting templates, only for running and developing locally.
mkdir venv
python -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running unit tests
Unit tests are developed using pytest
To run all unit tests, simply run pytest:
To generate a coverage report, run the tests using coverage
coverage run \
--source=dataproc_templates \
--module pytest \
--verbose \
coverage report --show-missing
Running Templates
The Dataproc Templates (Python - PySpark) support both serverless and cluster modes. By default, serverless mode is used. To run these templates use the gcloud
CLI directly or the provided start.sh
shell script.
Serverless Mode (Default)
Submits job to Dataproc Serverless using the batches submit pyspark command.
Cluster Mode
Submits job to a Dataproc Standard cluster using the jobs submit pyspark command.
To run the templates on an existing cluster, you must additionally specify the JOB_TYPE=CLUSTER
and CLUSTER=<full clusterId>
environment variables. For example:
export GCP_PROJECT=my-gcp-project
export REGION=gcp-region
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=gs://my-bucket/temp
./bin/start.sh \
-- --template HIVETOBIGQUERY
Note: Some HBase templates that require a custom image to execute are not yet supported in CLUSTER mode.
Submitting templates
A shell script is provided to:
- Build the python package
- Set Dataproc parameters based on environment variables
- Submit the desired template to Dataproc with the provided template parameters
When submitting, there are 3 types of properties/parameters for the user to provide.
- Spark properties: Refer to this documentation to see the available spark properties.
- Each template's specific parameters: refer to each template's README.
- Common arguments: --template_name and --log_level
- The --log_level parameter is optional, it defaults to INFO.
- Possible choices are the Spark log levels: ["ALL", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "FATAL", "INFO", "OFF", "TRACE", "WARN"].
bin/start.sh usage:
# Set required environment variables
export GCP_PROJECT=<project_id>
export REGION=<region>
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=<gs://path>
# Set optional environment variables
export SUBNET=<subnet>
export JARS="gs://additional/dependency.jar"
export HISTORY_SERVER_CLUSTER=projects/{projectId}/regions/{regionId}/clusters/{clusterId}
export METASTORE_SERVICE=projects/{projectId}/locations/{regionId}/services/{serviceId}
# Submit to Dataproc passing template parameters
./bin/start.sh [--properties=<spark.something.key>=<value>] \
-- --template=TEMPLATENAME \
--log_level=INFO \
--my.property="<value>" \
gcloud CLI usage:
It is also possible to submit jobs using the gcloud
CLI directly. That can be achieved by:
- Building the
package into an .egg
python setup.py bdist_egg --output=${PACKAGE_EGG_FILE}
- Submitting the job
- The
file should be the main python script - The
file for the package must be bundled using the --py-files
gcloud dataproc batches submit pyspark \
--region=<region> \
--project=<project_id> \
--jars="<required_jar_dependencies>" \
--deps-bucket=<gs://path> \
--subnet=<subnet> \
--py-files=${PACKAGE_EGG_FILE} \
[--properties=<spark.something.key>=<value>] \
main.py \
-- --template=TEMPLATENAME \
--log_level=INFO \
--<my.property>="<value>" \
Vertex AI usage:
Follow Dataproc Templates (Jupyter Notebooks) README to submit Dataproc Templates from a Vertex AI notebook.