Hypothesis Pyramid Sentry Extension
A library which integrates Sentry logging into Pyramid with the ability to filter out unwanted messages.
This is a Pyramid extension that wraps
sentry-sdk's Pyramid integration
and adds some additional customization and features.
Initializes sentry-sdk with its Pyramid integration for you.
Your app just has to set any "h_pyramid_sentry.*"
settings that you want
and then do config.include("h_pyramid_sentry")
(see instructions below for details).
Prevents retryable exceptions from being reported to Sentry if your app is using
and the request is going to be retried
(requires the "h_pyramid_sentry.retry_support": True
setting, see below).
Retryable exceptions will still be reported to Sentry if the request is not
going to be retried again because it has run out of retry attempts or because
one of the retries fails with a non-retryable exception. When this happens
only the exception from the request's final attempt is reported to Sentry, so
you get a single Sentry event per request not multiple, but information about
the previous failed attempts' exceptions is added to the single Sentry event.
Ignores errors logged by exc_logger
if your app is using
pyramid_exclog logs all exceptions with log-level ERROR, and these all
get picked up by sentry_sdk's enabled-by-default logging integration.
This would mean that all exceptions in Sentry appear to come from
exc_logger, and that some handled exceptions that wouldn't normally be
reported to Sentry now would get reported. This extension prevents the
interference by telling sentry_sdk to ignore exc_logger.
Provides a convenient method for apps to register their own filters for
exceptions and logged errors that they don't want to be reported to Sentry.
See the "h_pyramid_sentry.filters"
setting below.
In your Pyramid configuration you can provide a list of filter functions in the
setting h_pyramid_sentry.filters
These functions are passed Event objects which
they can inspect. If the function returns True
, then the event is not sent to
For example to prevent reporting of ValueError
"h_pyramid_sentry.filters": [
lambda event: instanceof(event.exception, ValueError)
The extension will listen to the following Pyramid deployment settings:
* Enabling retry or celery support requires your application to list the relevant dependency (pyramid_retry
or celery
) as a dependency.
As per the Sentry docs, the
environment variable SENTRY_DSN
will be automatically read if set, although this can
also be passed along with any other Sentry SDK options via h_pyramid_sentry.init
Setting up Your Hypothesis Pyramid Sentry Extension Development Environment
First you'll need to install:
- Git.
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install git
, on macOS: brew install git
. - GNU Make.
This is probably already installed, run
make --version
to check. - pyenv.
Follow the instructions in pyenv's README to install it.
The Homebrew method works best on macOS.
The Basic GitHub Checkout method works best on Ubuntu.
You don't need to set up pyenv's shell integration ("shims"), you can
use pyenv without shims.
Then to set up your development environment:
git clone https://github.com/hypothesis/h-pyramid-sentry.git
cd h_pyramid_sentry
make help
Releasing a New Version of the Project
First, to get PyPI publishing working you need to go to:
and add h-pyramid-sentry to the PYPI_TOKEN
secret's selected
Now that the h-pyramid-sentry project has access to the PYPI_TOKEN
you can release a new version by just creating a new GitHub release.
Publishing a new GitHub release will automatically trigger
a GitHub Actions workflow
that will build the new version of your Python package and upload it to
Changing the Project's Python Versions
To change what versions of Python the project uses:
Change the Python versions in the
cookiecutter.json file. For example:
"python_versions": "3.10.4, 3.9.12",
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request
Changing the Project's Python Dependencies
To change the production dependencies in the setup.cfg
Change the dependencies in the .cookiecutter/includes/setuptools/install_requires
If this file doesn't exist yet create it and add some dependencies to it.
For example:
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request
To change the project's formatting, linting and test dependencies:
Change the dependencies in the .cookiecutter/includes/tox/deps
If this file doesn't exist yet create it and add some dependencies to it.
Use tox's factor-conditional settings
to limit which environment(s) each dependency is used in.
For example:
lint: flake8,
format: autopep8,
lint,tests: pytest-faker,
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request