This package enables using common Python data science toolkits with
It brings data frame support on CPU and GPU as well as support for arrow.
See the documentation
for more.
Quick Install (CPU)
Packages are available on conda-forge and PyPI:
conda install -c conda-forge heavyai
pip install heavyai
Quick Install (GPU)
We recommend creating a fresh conda 3.8 or 3.9 environment when installing
heavyai with GPU capabilities.
To install heavyai for GPU Dataframe support (conda-only):
mamba create -n heavyai-gpu -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge -c defaults \
--no-channel-priority \
cudf heavyai pyheavydb pytest shapely geopandas pyarrow=*=*cuda
Further documentation for heavyai usage is available at: http://heavyai.readthedocs.io/