HKDF - HMAC Key Derivation Function
This module implements the HMAC Key Derivation function, defined at
There are two interfaces: a functional interface, with separate extract
and expand functions as defined in the draft RFC, and a wrapper class for
these functions.
Functional interface
To use the functional interface, pass the pseudorandom key generated
by hmac_extract([salt], [input key material])
to hmac_expand(...)
should be a random, non-secret, site-specific string, but may be
set to None. See section 3.1 of the HKDF draft for more details.
In addition to the PRK output by hmac_extract()
, hmac_expand()
takes an
argument, which permits generating multiple keys based on the
same PRK, and a length
argument, which defines the number of bytes
of output key material to generate. length
must be less than or equal
to 255 time the block size, in bytes, of the hash function being used.
See section 3.2 of the HKDF draft for more information on using the info
The hash function to use can be specified for both hmac_extract()
as the hash
kw argument, and defaults to SHA-512 as implemented
by the hashlib module. It must be the same for both extracting and expanding.
from binascii import unhexlify
prk = hkdf_extract(unhexlify(b"8e94ef805b93e683ff18"), b"asecretpassword")
key = hkdf_expand(prk, b"context1", 16)
wrapper class
To use the wrapper class, instantiate the Hkdf()
class with a salt, input
key material, and optionally, a hash function. Note that the default hash function
for the wrapper class is SHA-256, which differs from the default for the functional
interface. You may then call expand([info], [length])
on the Hkdf instance to
generate output key material::
kdf = Hkdf(unhexlify(b"8e94ef805b93e683ff18"), b"asecretpassword", hash=hashlib.sha512)
key = kdf.expand(b"context1", 16)
- 0.0.3 – Move documentation from module docstring to README.rst
- 0.0.2 – Python 3.3, 3.4 support
- 0.0.1 – Initial release
Please report any bugs at