Hydralit Components 
A package of Streamlit components that can be used directly or with the Hydralit library.
Current Components
Option Bar
Info Card
Progress Bar
Installing Hydralit Components
Hydralit can be installed from PyPI:
pip install -U hydralit_components
New in version 1.0.9
- Added new component, info_card
import streamlit as st
import hydralit_components as hc
theme_bad = {'bgcolor': '#FFF0F0','title_color': 'red','content_color': 'red','icon_color': 'red', 'icon': 'fa fa-times-circle'}
theme_neutral = {'bgcolor': '#f9f9f9','title_color': 'orange','content_color': 'orange','icon_color': 'orange', 'icon': 'fa fa-question-circle'}
theme_good = {'bgcolor': '#EFF8F7','title_color': 'green','content_color': 'green','icon_color': 'green', 'icon': 'fa fa-check-circle'}
cc = st.columns(4)
with cc[0]:
hc.info_card(title='Some heading GOOD', content='All good!', sentiment='good',bar_value=77)
with cc[1]:
hc.info_card(title='Some BAD BAD', content='This is really bad',bar_value=12,theme_override=theme_bad)
with cc[2]:
hc.info_card(title='Some NEURAL', content='Oh yeah, sure.', sentiment='neutral',bar_value=55)
with cc[3]:
hc.info_card(title='Some NEURAL',content='Maybe...',key='sec',bar_value=5,theme_override=theme_neutral)
- Added new component, option_bar
import streamlit as st
import hydralit_components as hc
option_data = [
{'icon': "bi bi-hand-thumbs-up", 'label':"Agree"},
{'icon':"fa fa-question-circle",'label':"Unsure"},
{'icon': "bi bi-hand-thumbs-down", 'label':"Disagree"},
over_theme = {'txc_inactive': 'white','menu_background':'purple','txc_active':'yellow','option_active':'blue'}
font_fmt = {'font-class':'h2','font-size':'150%'}
op = hc.option_bar(option_definition=option_data,title='Feedback Response',key='PrimaryOption',override_theme=over_theme,font_styling=font_fmt,horizontal_orientation=True)
op2 = hc.option_bar(option_definition=option_data,title='Feedback Response',key='PrimaryOption',override_theme=over_theme,font_styling=font_fmt,horizontal_orientation=False)
- Added new component, progress_bar
import streamlit as st
import hydralit_components as hc
override_theme_1 = {'bgcolor': '#EFF8F7','progress_color': 'green'}
override_theme_2 = {'bgcolor': 'green','content_color': 'white','progress_color': 'red'}
override_theme_3 = {'content_color': 'red','progress_color': 'orange'}
hc.progress_bar(25,'Something something')
hc.progress_bar(35,'Something something',sentiment='good')
hc.progress_bar(95,'Something something',sentiment='neutral')
hc.progress_bar(47,'Something something',sentiment='bad')
hc.progress_bar(5,'Something something - 1a',key='pa1',override_theme=override_theme_1)
hc.progress_bar(35,'Something something - 2a',key='pa2',sentiment='good',override_theme=override_theme_2)
hc.progress_bar(95,'Something something - 3a',key='pa3',sentiment='neutral')
hc.progress_bar(47,'Something something - 4a',key='pa4',sentiment='bad',override_theme=override_theme_3)
New in version 1.0.7
- More visual appearence improvements for the Navbar, including a much nicer non-animated mode.
- Removed the background effect on all loaders (as everyone hated it).
- Can completely customise the Home and Logout entries on the Navbar as well as the other entires.
- Full support for Font Awesome and BootStrap icons offline for Navbar entries, as well as all emojis.
- Full support for all versions of Streamlit up to current (1.4.0).
New in version 1.0.6 (navbar updates)
NOTE: Since everyone complained about the "jumping navbar", it is now pinned to the top of the page, it is no longer sticky. If you want a sticky, non-jumping, with the Streamlit hamburger navbar all in one magical solution, keep asking Streamlit, since they have already stated they are looking to implement this feature themselves and Hydralit and Hydralit Components can go F^%& itself according to the way I've been treated by the Streamlit team. So if you have any issues with the way the navbar works, raise an issue or talk to Streamlit.
You can have jumpy navbar that is sticky, or non-jumping navbar that is pinned to the top, ask Streamlit for both.
- Changed the sticky behaviour (if you want it at the top, like Streamlit ordering, declare it first) NOTE: The
parameter moves the navbar to the top of the window, use sticky_mode = 'sticky'
or sticky_mode = 'pinned'
if you want it to be sticky, but it will be jumpy or pinned and not jumpy. If you want the Streamlit hamburger menu to appear with the navbar use hide_streamlit_markers=False
- Can co-exist with the Streamlit hamburger menu now, as well as the status indicators (running/stop..)
- Improved the centering and appearance
- Can toggle the Streamlit markers on/off independantly of the sticky nav setting
- Bug fix with intial value with label and id provided (Thanks Daveography!)
New in version 1.0.5
- Can toggle navbar animation on/off
- Tighten up the navbar animation
- Add over 20 custom loaders that work the same as the built-in spinner
- An ability to enable experimental features to allow for previously disallowed code injection (like javascript)
- Added a modified version of the existing Streamlit cookie manager to allow for better use in multi-app environments
New in version 1.0.3
- Enable sticky menu mode (pin to top of the window)
- Animated dropdown menu entries to support complex navigation
- Offline support
- Added support for fontawesome icons
- Full collapse in mobile view (the burger is back!)
- Full theme color support
- Full container support (can put on sidebar too)
- Responsive layout
- Use Bootstrap icons or emojis or nothing
- Configure Response values when clicked
- Assign tooltips
Navbar Demo
Navbar Modes
Pinned Mode
Sticky (jumpy) Mode
Regular Mode
A very quick example of how to modify the menu items and to show we can put it on the main page, sidebar or within a container, up to you.
import streamlit as st
import hydralit_components as hc
import datetime
menu_data = [
{'icon': "far fa-copy", 'label':"Left End"},
{'icon': "fa-solid fa-radar",'label':"Dropdown1", 'submenu':[{'id':' subid11','icon': "fa fa-paperclip", 'label':"Sub-item 1"},{'id':'subid12','icon': "💀", 'label':"Sub-item 2"},{'id':'subid13','icon': "fa fa-database", 'label':"Sub-item 3"}]},
{'icon': "far fa-chart-bar", 'label':"Chart"},
{'id':' Crazy return value 💀','icon': "💀", 'label':"Calendar"},
{'icon': "fas fa-tachometer-alt", 'label':"Dashboard",'ttip':"I'm the Dashboard tooltip!"},
{'icon': "far fa-copy", 'label':"Right End"},
{'icon': "fa-solid fa-radar",'label':"Dropdown2", 'submenu':[{'label':"Sub-item 1", 'icon': "fa fa-meh"},{'label':"Sub-item 2"},{'icon':'🙉','label':"Sub-item 3",}]},
over_theme = {'txc_inactive': '#FFFFFF'}
menu_id = hc.nav_bar(
if st.button('click me'):
st.info('You clicked at: {}'.format(datetime.datetime.now()))
if st.sidebar.button('click me too'):
st.info('You clicked at: {}'.format(datetime.datetime.now()))
A very quick example of how to use the load to wrap your long running code
import hydralit_components as hc
import time
with hc.HyLoader('Now doing loading',hc.Loaders.pulse_bars,):
with hc.HyLoader('Now doing loading',hc.Loaders.standard_loaders,index=[3,0,5]):
with hc.HyLoader('Now doing loading',hc.Loaders.standard_loaders,index=5):
with hc.HyLoader('Now doing loading',hc.Loaders.standard_loaders,index=[2,2,2,2]):
An example of injecting code into the Streamlit application that previously would not have worked.
NOTE: You need to force reload (browser refresh) the entire page after the experiemntal features have been enabled (you will see a notification in the terminal) to ensure the additions have been loaded into the web page.
import hydralit_components as hc
import streamlit as st
modal_code = """
<!-- Button trigger modal -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
Hydralit Components Experimental Demo!
<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Modal Popup Form!</h5>
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="container">
<h2>Pure JS+HTML Form</h2>
<form class="form-horizontal" action="/">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="email">Email:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Enter email" name="email">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label col-sm-2" for="pwd">Password:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd" placeholder="Enter password" name="pwd">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="remember"> Remember me</label>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>
query_param = st.experimental_get_query_params()
if query_param:
st.write('We caputred these values from the experimental modal form using Javascript + HTML + Streamlit + Hydralit Components.')