Recurrent Inertial Graph-based Estimator (RING)
ℹ️ Tip:
Check out my new plug-and-play interface for inertial motion tracking (RING included) here.
Supports Python=3.10/3.11/3.12
Install with pip
pip install imt-ring
Typically, this will install jax
as cpu-only version. Afterwards, gpu-enabled version can be installed with
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]" -f
Available here.
Quickstart Example
import ring
import numpy as np
T : int = 30
Ts : float = 0.01
B : int = 1
lam: list[int] = [0, 1, 2]
N : int = len(lam)
T_i: int = int(T/Ts)
X = np.zeros((B, T_i, N, 9))
X[..., 0, :3] = acc_segment1
X[..., 2, :3] = acc_segment3
X[..., 0, 3:6] = gyr_segment1
X[..., 2, 3:6] = gyr_segment3
ringnet = ring.RING(lam, Ts)
yhat, _ = ringnet.apply(X)
Known fixes
Offscreen rendering with Mujoco
mujoco.FatalError: an OpenGL platform library has not been loaded into this process, this most likely means that a valid OpenGL context has not been created before mjr_makeContext was called
import os
os.environ["MUJOCO_GL"] = "egl"
Windows-related: ImportError: DLL load failed while importing ...
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _multiarray_umath: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
pip uninstall -y jax jaxlib
conda install -c conda-forge jax
The following publications utilize this software library, and refer to it as the Random Chain Motion Generator (RCMG) (more specifically the function ring.RCMG
Other useful ressources
Particularly useful is the following publication from Roy Featherstone
Simon Bachhuber (