InfraHouse Toolkit
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A collection of tools for building infrastructure.
- Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
- Documentation: https://infrahouse-toolkit.readthedocs.io.
Usage examples <https://infrahouse-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html#infrahouse-toolkit>
_Installation <https://infrahouse-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html>
_Code documentation <https://infrahouse-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules.html>
_Contributing <https://infrahouse-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing.html>
.. contents:: List of tools
: AWS helpers
The command group to work with AWS services.
ih-aws credentials
: retrieve temporary AWS credentials
``ih-aws credentials`` authenticates a user in `AWS IAM Identity Center <https://aws.amazon.com/iam/identity-center/>`_
and prints acquired AWS credentials. It is useful when you have configured IAM roles in ~/.aws/config
and boto3 gets short-lived access key.
The command prints the credentials in a format that you can copy&paste for different scenarios.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-aws credentials
With a ``-e`` option, the tool adds the ``export`` keyword in case you want a child process to have access to the credentials
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-aws credentials -e
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ILA***********************************GR
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-1
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEMr...F2Dooyg9dJ0hnVsphfLkA==
If you want to pass the AWS credentials to a docker, the ``--docker`` option will generate a command line options to
the ``docker`` command.
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker run $(ih-aws credentials --docker) amazon/aws-cli \
sts get-caller-identity
"UserId": "AROAXFXZRL24IKXUK6SPX:aleks",
"Account": "493370826424",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::493370826424:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_AWSAdministratorAccess_a84a03e62f490b50/aleks"
``ih-aws credentials`` reads ``~/.aws/config`` and can accept a profile from it.
For example, if the config file looks like this
.. code-block:: ini
### InfraHouse profiles
sso_session = infrahouse
sso_account_id = 493370826424
sso_role_name = AWSAdministratorAccess
region = us-west-1
output = json
[profile AWSAdministratorAccess-493370826424]
sso_session = infrahouse
sso_account_id = 493370826424
sso_role_name = AWSAdministratorAccess
region = us-west-1
output = json
[profile infrahouse-admin-cicd]
sso_session = infrahouse
sso_account_id = 303467602807
sso_role_name = AWSAdministratorAccess
region = us-west-1
output = json
then you can get credentials for a specific profile.
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker run $(ih-aws --aws-profile infrahouse-admin-cicd credentials --docker) \
amazon/aws-cli sts get-caller-identity
"UserId": "AROAUNKAUEN3ZL5YKTQ5Z:aleks",
"Account": "303467602807",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::303467602807:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_AWSAdministratorAccess_422821c726d81c14/aleks"
``ih-aws ecs``: ECS helpers
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-aws ecs wait-services-stable --help
Usage: ih-aws ecs wait-services-stable [OPTIONS]
Wait up to --timeout seconds until all specified services in an ECS cluster
become stable.
The service is considered stable when there is only one deployment for it
and number of running tasks is equal to desired number tasks.
--cluster TEXT ECS cluster name that runs requested services.
--service TEXT ECS service name that we wait to become stable.
Multiple services can be specified. [required]
--wait-timeout INTEGER Time in seconds to wait until all services become
stable. [default: 1200]
--help Show this message and exit.
``ih-certbot``: a bundled certbot
``ih-certbot`` is a wrapper around. InfraHouse Toolkit packages it to avoid installing ``certbot``
in the system Python environment. To see what ``certbot`` provides, get its help.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-certbot -- --help
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
certbot [SUBCOMMAND] [options] [-d DOMAIN] [-d DOMAIN] ...
Certbot can obtain and install HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates. By default,
it will attempt to use a webserver both for obtaining and installing the
certificate. The most common SUBCOMMANDS and flags are:
obtain, install, and renew certificates:
(default) run Obtain & install a certificate in your current webserver
certonly Obtain or renew a certificate, but do not install it
renew Renew all previously obtained certificates that are near
More detailed help:
-h, --help [TOPIC] print this message, or detailed help on a topic;
the available TOPICS are:
all, automation, commands, paths, security, testing, or any of the
subcommands or plugins (certonly, renew, install, register, nginx,
apache, standalone, webroot, etc.)
-h all print a detailed help page including all topics
--version print the version number
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
``ih-ec2``: common EC2 operations
The ``ih-ec2`` command works with AWS EC2.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2
Usage: ih-ec2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
AWS EC2 helpers.
--debug Enable debug logging.
--aws-profile [default|AWSAdministratorAccess-493370826424|infrahouse-admin-cicd|...]
AWS profile name for authentication.
--aws-region [af-south-1|ap-east-1|ap-northeast-1|ap-northeast-2|ap-northeast-3|ap-south-1|ap-southeast-1|ap-southeast-2|ap-southeast-3|ca-central-1|eu-central-1|eu-north-1|eu-south-1|eu-west-1|eu-west-2|eu-west-3|me-south-1|sa-east-1|us-east-1|us-east-2|us-west-1|us-west-2]
AWS region to use.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
instance-types Describe AWS EC2 instance types.
launch Start an EC2 instance.
launch-templates Describe AWS launch-templates.
list List created EC2 instances.
subnets Describe AWS subnets.
terminate Terminate an EC2 instance.
Note, the help message reads your ``~/.aws/config`` and prints available AWS profiles.
``ih-ec2 list``: list EC2 instances
The ``ih-ec2 list`` command prints a list of ECS instances in a region.
Without additional options, it shows an instance's Name, PrivateIpAddress, InstanceId, InstanceType, and State.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2 list
| Name | PrivateIpAddress | InstanceId | InstanceType | State |
| auth | | i-053a08fa0f4d583c1 | t3.small | running |
| jumphost | | i-0f7b00928e84b9173 | t3a.micro | running |
| mail | | i-0e1c3c842edc1a43a | t3a.micro | running |
| openvpn | | i-069ff960335c93087 | m6in.large | running |
| openvpn-portal | | i-0a77715da944ed583 | t3.small | running |
| terraform-registry | | i-011f470b96279cb89 | t3.micro | running |
| webserver | | i-00eb66708c5108595 | t3.micro | running |
| webserver | | i-0ff80ad49cf5a46ea | t3.micro | running |
Should you want to see the instance's public DNS name or IP address, use ``--public-dns-name``
and ``--public-ip-address`` options respectively.
The ``--tags`` option will add formatted instance tags.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2 list --tags
| Name | PrivateIpAddress | InstanceId | InstanceType | Tags | State |
| auth | | i-053a08fa0f4d583c1 | t3.small | { | running |
| | | | | "AmazonECSManaged": "true", | |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "auth2024030222363784960000000d", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-0d93139ab32de43aa", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "2", | |
| | | | | "environment": "development", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "auth" | |
| | | | | } | |
| jumphost | | i-0f7b00928e84b9173 | t3a.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "jumphost-20240223005113359100000009-02R7BZ", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-001743d1d2257c40b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "10", | |
| | | | | "created_by_module": "infrahouse/jumphost/aws" | |
| | | | | } | |
It is possible to filter output based on a tag value, multiple values or its existence.
To print instances that have a ``service`` tag with any value.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2 list --tags --service
| Name | PrivateIpAddress | InstanceId | InstanceType | Tags | State |
| auth | | i-053a08fa0f4d583c1 | t3.small | { | running |
| | | | | "AmazonECSManaged": "true", | |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "auth2024030222363784960000000d", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-0d93139ab32de43aa", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "2", | |
| | | | | "environment": "development", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "auth" | |
| | | | | } | |
| webserver | | i-0ff80ad49cf5a46ea | t3.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "web20231125205239428700000003", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-042ea5dd55b0fff3b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "6", | |
| | | | | "environment": "production", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "website" | |
| | | | | } | |
To print instances of a "website" service.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2 list --tags --service=website
| Name | PrivateIpAddress | InstanceId | InstanceType | Tags | State |
| webserver | | i-00eb66708c5108595 | t3.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "web20231125205239428700000003", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-042ea5dd55b0fff3b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "6", | |
| | | | | "environment": "production", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "website" | |
| | | | | } | |
| webserver | | i-0ff80ad49cf5a46ea | t3.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "web20231125205239428700000003", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-042ea5dd55b0fff3b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "6", | |
| | | | | "environment": "production", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "website" | |
| | | | | } | |
To print instances of more than one service, list them with a comma.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-ec2 list --tags --service=website,auth
| Name | PrivateIpAddress | InstanceId | InstanceType | Tags | State |
| auth | | i-053a08fa0f4d583c1 | t3.small | { | running |
| | | | | "AmazonECSManaged": "true", | |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "auth2024030222363784960000000d", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-0d93139ab32de43aa", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "2", | |
| | | | | "environment": "development", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "auth" | |
| | | | | } | |
| webserver | | i-00eb66708c5108595 | t3.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "web20231125205239428700000003", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-042ea5dd55b0fff3b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "6", | |
| | | | | "environment": "production", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "website" | |
| | | | | } | |
| webserver | | i-0ff80ad49cf5a46ea | t3.micro | { | running |
| | | | | "account": "493370826424", | |
| | | | | "aws:autoscaling:groupName": "web20231125205239428700000003", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "lt-042ea5dd55b0fff3b", | |
| | | | | "aws:ec2launchtemplate:version": "6", | |
| | | | | "environment": "production", | |
| | | | | "managed-by": "terraform", | |
| | | | | "service": "website" | |
| | | | | } | |
``ih-elastic``: manage Elasticsearch cluster
The ``ih-elastic`` command works with an Elasticsearch cluster.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic
Usage: ih-elastic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Elasticsearch helper.
--debug Enable debug logging.
--quiet Suppress informational messages and output
only warnings and errors.
--username TEXT Username in Elasticsearch cluster.
[default: elastic]
--password TEXT Password for the Elasticsearch user. By
default try to read it from puppet facts/AWS
--password-secret TEXT AWS secretsmanager secret id with the
--es-protocol TEXT Elasticsearch protocol [default: http]
--es-host TEXT Elasticsearch host [default:]
--es-port INTEGER Elasticsearch port [default: 9200]
--format [text|json|cbor|yaml|smile]
Output format
--help Show this message and exit.
cat Compact and aligned text (CAT) APIs.
cluster Cluster level operations.
cluster-health Connect to Elasticsearch host and print the cluster...
passwd Change password for Elasticsearch user.
snapshots Work with snapshots.
``ih-elastic cluster-health``: Show cluster health
``ih-elastic cluster-health`` shows the cluster health. The command is supposed to be run on an Elasticsearch node.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic cluster-health
2024-07-13 23:04:30,987: INFO: botocore.credentials:credentials.load():1075: Found credentials from IAM Role: elastic-master-dhBLZE
2024-07-13 23:04:31,573: INFO: elastic_transport.transport:_transport.perform_request():349: GET [status:200 duration:0.002s]
2024-07-13 23:04:31,573: INFO: root:__init__.cmd_cluster_health():25: {
"cluster_name": "elastic",
"status": "green",
"timed_out": false,
"number_of_nodes": 6,
"number_of_data_nodes": 3,
"active_primary_shards": 167,
"active_shards": 433,
"relocating_shards": 0,
"initializing_shards": 0,
"unassigned_shards": 0,
"delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis": 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number": 100.0
``ih-elastic cluster allocation-explain``: Explain allocation problems
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic cluster allocation-explain --help
Usage: ih-elastic cluster allocation-explain [OPTIONS]
Provides explanations for shard allocations in the cluster.
--index TEXT Specifies the name of the index that you would like
an explanation for. Run ih-elastic cat shards to get
a list.
--shard INTEGER Specifies the ID of the shard that you would like an
explanation for. Run ih-elastic cat shards to get a
--primary / --replica If --primary, returns explanation for the primary
shard for the given shard ID.
--help Show this message and exit.
ih-elastic cat shards
: List shards
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic cat shards --help
Usage: ih-elastic cat shards [OPTIONS]
Provides a detailed view of shard allocation on nodes.
--help Show this message and exit.
``ih-elastic cat snapshots``: Shows backup copies
ih-elastic cat snapshots
shows available backup copies. It also has to be run on an Elasticsearch node.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic cat snapshots | head
2024-07-13 23:06:38,874: INFO: botocore.credentials:credentials.load():1075: Found credentials from IAM Role: elastic-master-dhBLZE
2024-07-13 23:06:39,952: INFO: elastic_transport.transport:_transport.perform_request():349: GET [status:200 duration:0.979s]
2024-07-13 23:06:39,952: INFO: root:__init__.cmd_snapshots():23:
id repository status start_epoch start_time end_epoch end_time duration indices successful_shards failed_shards total_shards
elastic-2024-02-20_19-19-54.544449 backups SUCCESS 1708456794 19:19:54 1708456796 19:19:56 1.8s 33 33 0 33
elastic-2024-02-20_19-43-51.722634 backups SUCCESS 1708458231 19:43:51 1708458233 19:43:53 1.6s 33 33 0 33
elastic-2024-02-20_19-52-25.053742 backups SUCCESS 1708458745 19:52:25 1708458745 19:52:25 801ms 33 33 0 33
elastic-2024-02-20_20-01-23.072070 backups SUCCESS 1708459282 20:01:22 1708459283 20:01:23 801ms 34 34 0 34
elastic-2024-02-21_11-44-02.921604 backups SUCCESS 1708515842 11:44:02 1708515844 11:44:04 1.4s 36 36 0 36
elastic-2024-02-21_12-37-02.628985 backups SUCCESS 1708519022 12:37:02 1708519023 12:37:03 800ms 36 36 0 36
ih-elastic snapshots
: Create or restore snapshots
``ih-elastic snapshots`` can take or restore a snapshot.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-elastic snapshots
2024-07-13 23:07:58,835: INFO: botocore.credentials:credentials.load():1075: Found credentials from IAM Role: elastic-master-dhBLZE
Usage: ih-elastic snapshots [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Work with snapshots.
--help Show this message and exit.
create Creates a snapshot in a repository.
create-repository Creates a repository.
delete-repository Deletes a repository.
restore Restores a snapshot in a repository.
status Returns information about the status of a snapshot.
``ih-github``: manage action runners
As the name suggests, the ``ih-github`` command works with GitHub.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-github --help
Usage: ih-github [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Various GitHub helper commands. See ih-github --help for details.
--debug Enable debug logging.
--help Show this message and exit.
run Run a command and publish its output to as a comment in GitHub...
runner Manage self-hosted runners.
The ``ih-github run`` command can run a command and publish its output as a command in a pull request.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-github run --help
Run a command and publish its output to as a comment in GitHub pull request.
For instance
--github-token TEXT Personal access token for GitHub.
--run-timeout INTEGER How many seconds the command it allowed to run
[default: 3600]
--help Show this message and exit.
I use it often in CI workflows.
.. code-block:: yaml
runs-on: ["self-hosted", "Linux", "environment:sandbox", "skeema"]
environment: "continuous-integration"
- uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
- name: "Linters"
run: |
yamllint .github
ih-github run ${{ github.repository }} ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} \
skeema lint --workspace docker
The ``ih-github runner`` command allows to manipulate with self-hosted action runners in GitHub.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-github runner --help
Usage: ih-github runner [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage self-hosted runners.
--github-token TEXT Personal access token for GitHub.
--github-token-secret TEXT Read GitHub token from AWS secret.
--org TEXT GitHub organization
--help Show this message and exit.
deregister deregister a self-hosted runner.
download Download an actions-runner release tar-ball.
is-registered Check if a runner with the given name is already...
list List self-hosted runners
register register a self-hosted runner.
For example, I can see what runners are offline.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-github runner --org infrahouse --github-token **** list | jq .runners[] | jq '"Name: \(.name), Status: \(.status)"'
"Name: ip-10-1-1-132, Status: online"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-61, Status: online"
"Name: ip-10-1-2-8, Status: online"
"Name: ip-10-1-3-224, Status: online"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-119, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-161, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-168, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-24, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-51, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-72, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-1-82, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-2-221, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-2-40, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-2-6, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-2-7, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-3-61, Status: offline"
"Name: ip-10-1-3-65, Status: offline"
``ih-plan``: summarize and publish Terraform plan to pull request
``ih-plan`` is a helper tool to upload/download a Terraform plan.
$ ih-plan --help
Usage: ih-plan [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Terraform plan helpers.
--bucket TEXT AWS S3 bucket name to upload/download the plan.
By default, parse Terraform backend
configuration (see --tf-backend-file) in the
current directory.
--aws-assume-role-arn TEXT ARN of a role the AWS client should assume.
--tf-backend-file TEXT File with Terraform backend configuration.
[default: terraform.tf]
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
download Download a file from an S3 bucket.
min-permissions Parse Terraform trace file and produce an action list...
publish Publish Terraform plan to GitHub pull request.
remove Remove a file from an S3 bucket.
upload Upload a plan file to an S3 bucket.
Commands ``upload``, ``download``, ``remove`` manipulate with plan files on S3.
Command ``publish`` prepares a nicely formatted Terraform plan to a pull request so a reviewer
can make an informed decision approving a change.
Command ``min-permissions`` parses a Terraform trace and figures out the minimal set of permissions
needed to execute the plan. Say, you want to reduce permissions of a role running terraform.
That's the use-case.
The full comment includes several sections:
* Title specifies in what Terraform state the changes will be made.
* "Affected resources counts" is a summary table with counts of how many resources will be added, modified, or destroyed.
* "Affected resources by action" is a table that lists resources that are going to be added, modified, or destroyed.
* Finally, a collapsible "STDOUT" block. It includes the output of ``terraform plan``, however it skips progress messages for brevity and convenience.
.. image:: docs/_static/ih-plan-full-comment.png
:align: center
:alt: Example of a comment published by ``ih-plan``.
.. image:: docs/_static/ih-plan-stdout-block.png
:align: center
:alt: A part of ``terraform plan`` standard output.
``ih-puppet``: run master-less puppet
``ih-puppet apply`` runs a Puppet client. For instance, all InfraHouse provisioned hosts have a cron job
.. code-block::
26,56 * * * * ih-puppet --quiet \
--environment sandbox \
--environmentpath {root_directory}/environments \
--root-directory /opt/puppet-code \
--hiera-config /opt/infrahouse-puppet-data/environments/sandbox/hiera.yaml \
--module-path {root_directory}/modules:/opt/infrahouse-puppet-data/modules \
apply \
It's just a wrapper that installs Puppet module dependencies and runs the client.
``ih-registry``: publish Terraform modules
The ``ih-registry upload`` command can publish a Terraform module to a Tapir_-managed private registry.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-registry
Usage: ih-registry [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
InfraHouse Terraform Registry helpers.
--debug Enable debug logging.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
upload Upload Terraform module to the InfraHouse Terraform Registry
``ih-s3-reprepro``: manage Debian repository in S3
Manage Debian repository in an S3 bucket.
Basically, it's a cloud version of the good old ``reprepro``.
``ih-s3-reprepro`` uses ``reprepro`` underneath plus it adds wrappers around S3 and GPG.
The Debian repository is stored in an S3 bucket. ``ih-s3-reprepro`` mounts the S3 bucket it locally,
pulls a GPG private key from AWS's secretsmanager and configures the GPG home environment.
$ ih-s3-reprepro --help
Usage: ih-s3-reprepro [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Tool to manage deb packages to a Debian repository hosted in an S3 bucket.
--bucket TEXT AWS S3 bucket with a Debian repo [required]
--role-arn TEXT Assume this role for all AWS operations
--gpg-key-secret-id TEXT AWS secrets manager secret name that stores
a GPG private key.
--gpg-passphrase-secret-id TEXT
AWS secrets manager secret name that stores
a passphrase to the GPG key.
--help Show this message and exit.
check Check for all needed files to be registered properly.
checkpool Check if all files in the pool are still in proper...
deleteunreferenced Remove all known files (and forget them) in the...
dumpunreferenced Print a list of all filed believed to be in the...
includedeb Include the given binary package.
list List all packages by the given name occurring in...
remove Delete all packages in the specified distribution,...
``ih-secrets``: access AWS Secrets Manager
The ``ih-secrets`` command works with
`AWS Secrets Manager <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/intro.html>`_.
You can list secrets.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-secrets list
| Name | Description |
| GITHUB_TOKEN | GitHub token with manage_runners:org permissions. Needed to register self-hosted runners. |
| flask_secret_key20240705183915732100000013 | Flask secret key |
| google_client20240705183915856300000015 | A JSON with Google OAuth Client ID |
| keycloak_admin_credentials20240302224352142500000001 | A json with username/password keys with keycloak credentials |
| keycloak_service20240303174856808900000002 | A JSON with username/password keys - MySQL account used by keycloak service |
| openvpn_ca_passphrase20240705183916567800000017 | OpenVPN CA Key Passphrase |
| packager-key-focal | Signing GPG key for focal |
| packager-key-jammy | Signing GPG key for jammy |
| packager-passphrase-focal | Passphrase for a signing GPG key for focal |
| packager-passphrase-jammy | Passphrase for a signing GPG key for jammy |
| rds!db-8b53b28e-6606-43d3-941d-62d6986747f9 | Secret associated with primary RDS DB instance: arn:aws:rds:us-west-1:493370826424:db:keycloak-20240303174857883700000006 |
| registry_client_secret20240302203708051000000001 | Oauth2 credentials with Google |
| smtp_credentials20240707192347968700000001 | SMTP credentials for Postfix smarthost |
You can get a secret value.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-secrets get keycloak_service20240303174856808900000002 | jq
"password": "******",
"username": "keycloak_service"
And, if your credentials allow updating the secret, you can set it's value.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-secrets set --help
Usage: ih-secrets set [OPTIONS] SECRET [PATH]...
Set value to a secret.
Optionally the value may be given via a local file specified by a path
ih-secrets set mysecret /path/to/file_with_value
if the path is omitted, a user will be prompt for the value.
--help Show this message and exit.
``ih-skeema``: run Skeema in CI/CD
The ``ih-skeema`` command is a wrapper around a popular Skeema tool. The wrapper provides intergration with
AWS Secrets Manager to provide database credentials.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ih-skeema --help
Usage: ih-skeema [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Various Skeema (https://www.skeema.io/) helper commands. See ih-skeema
--help for details.
--debug Enable debug logging.
--skeema-path TEXT Path to the skeema executable. [default: skeema]
--username TEXT Username to connect to database host [default:
--password TEXT Password for database user. By default, read from
environment variable $MYSQL_PWD.
--credentials-secret TEXT If specified, read username and password from AWS
secrets manager. The secret value must be a JSON
with keys 'username' and 'password'.
--help Show this message and exit.
run Run a skeema command.
``ih-skeema`` is designed to be used in CI/CD workflows. For example, here it runs skeema diff and publishes result
to a pull request.
.. code-block:: yaml
runs-on: ["self-hosted", "Linux", "environment:sandbox", "skeema"]
environment: "continuous-integration"
- uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
- name: "Configure AWS Credentials"
uses: "aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2"
role-to-assume: "${{ env.ROLE_GITHUB }}"
role-session-name: "github-actions"
aws-region: "${{ env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION }}"
- name: "Linters"
run: |
yamllint .github
ih-github run ${{ github.repository }} ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} \
skeema lint --workspace docker
- name: "Differences"
run: |
ih-github run ${{ github.repository }} ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} \
ih-skeema --credentials-secret ${{ env.CREDENTIALS_SECRET }} run diff sandbox || \
( RESULT=$? ; if [ $RESULT -gt 1 ]; then echo "Error occured"; exit $RESULT ; fi )
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the `audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`_ project template.
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _`audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
.. _Tapir: https://github.com/PacoVK/tapir
See git log