Parse and edit your FreeBSD jail.conf file with python.
To install jailconf, simply:
.. code-block:: console
pip3 install jailconf
jailconf requires Python 3.
.. code:: python
import jailconf
Load the configuration from a path
.. code:: python
conf = jailconf.load('/etc/jail.conf')
Load the configuration from a string
.. code:: python
conf = jailconf.loads(open('/etc/jail.conf').read())
Create an empty configuration
.. code:: python
conf = jailconf.JailConf()
The configuration is represented as a dictionnary (actually a subclass of OrderedDict).
Let's modify some settings.
The quoted strings in the configuration should be passed with the quotes.
For example, to obtain the setting:
.. code:: sh
path = "/var/jail/$name";
you write:
.. code:: python
conf['path'] = '"/var/jail/$name"'
The string should be exactly what you want to appear on the right side of the
parameter name in the configuration file.
If you want the value of a parameter to be a quoted string, you pass
a string containing a quoted string.
This allows you to specify what kind of quotes you want to see in the output configuration
file (single quotes, double quotes, or no quote at all).
.. code:: python
conf['exec.start'] = '"/bin/sh /etc/rc"'
conf['exec.stop'] = '"/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"'
Boolean parameters. To obtain:
.. code:: sh
you write:
.. code:: python
conf['exec.clean'] = True
conf['mount.devfs'] = True
Add a jail:
.. code:: python
conf['myjail'] = jailconf.JailBlock([
('host.hostname', '""'),
('ip4.addr', ['', '', ''])
Modify a jail
.. code:: python
conf['myjail']['ip4.addr'] = '' # this will be rendered as the line: ip4.addr =
# To set multiple ips, use a list:
conf['myjail']['ip4.addr'] = ['', '']
Delete a jail
.. code:: python
del conf['uselessjail']
Iterate over jails
.. code:: python
for name, jail_block in conf.jails():
jail_block['host.hostname'] = '"%s"' % name
Output the configuration as a string
.. code:: python
>>> print(conf.dumps())
.. code::
path = "/var/jail/$name";
exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
myjail {
host.hostname = "myjail";
ip4.addr =,;
Write the configuration to a file
.. code:: python
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