JOSE is a framework intended to provide a method to securely transfer
claims (such as authorization information) between parties. The JOSE framework
provides a collection of specifications to serve this purpose. A JSON Web
Token (JWT) contains claims that can be used to allow a system to apply access
control to resources it owns.
JWTs can be represented as either JSON Web Signature (JWS) or a JSON Web
Encryption (JWE) objects. Claims within a JWS can be read as they are simply
base64-encoded (but carry with them a signature for authentication). Claims
in a JWE on the other hand, are encrypted and as such, are entirely opaque
to clients using them as their means of authentication and authorization.
This library implements JWS and JWEs along with a subset of the
encryption / authentication algorithms recommended by the JOSE framework.
1.0.0 (2015-10-06)
- Fixed bug in authentication tag computation (patch contributed by jaimeperez)
Important: This is a backwards incompatible change, in that tokens produced in this version will not be decipherable by tokens < 1.0.0. The jwe hash string used was changed to use an empty string rather than "." to fall in line with
0.3.0 (2015-04-10)
- Fixed critical JWT vulnerability (patch contributed by yuriikonovaliuk)
Important: Only unencrypted tokens are vulnerable. This fix lead to backward
incompatible change to verify
function signature.
0.2.2 (2015-01-07)
- RFC compliance fixes (patch contributed by jaimeperez)
Important: This change introduces a temporarily injected key (__v) in order to
distinguish between legacy and newly issued tokens. This allows for the use
of either token as to not break backwards compatibility and (possibly)
degrade user experience. This will be removed for v1.0.
In order to verify whether or not clients are using a legacy token, the
application code can verify whether or not the key "__v" is contained in the
headers (this can be done after deserialize_compact). The existence of the key
identifies a newly created token.
0.2.1 (2014-11-24)
- Unpinned pycrypto dependency (patch contributed by kuba)
- Added CLI exposing "decrypt" command
- Added custom exceptions, making client error handling easier
0.1 (2014-04-16)
Demian Brecht (demianbrecht)
Nick Murtagh (nmurtagh)
Jakub Warmuz (kuba)
Jaime Pérez (jaimeperez)
Yurii Konovaliuk (yuriikonovaliuk)