Temporary JupyterHub Authenticator
Simple authenticator for JupyterHub
that gives anyone who visits the home page a user account without having to
log in using any UI at all. It also spawns a single-user server and directs
the user to it immediately, without them having to press a button.
Built primarily to help run tmpnb with JupyterHub.
pip install jupyterhub-tmpauthenticator
Should install it. It has no additional dependencies beyond JupyterHub.
You can then use this as your authenticator by adding the following line to
your jupyterhub_config.py
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = "tmp"
does not have a lot of configurable knobs, but will respect
many relevant config options in the base JupyterHub Authenticator class.
Here are a few that are particularly useful.
By default, tmpauthenticator
will automatically log the user in as soon
as they hit the landing page of the JupyterHub, without showing them any UI.
This behavior can be turned off by setting TmpAuthenticator.auto_login
, allowing a home page to be shown. There will be a Sign in
button here
that will automatically authenticate the user.
c.TmpAuthenticator.auto_login = False
If auto_login
is set to False
, the value of TmpAuthenticator.login_service
will determine the text shown next to Sign in
in the default home page. It
defaults to Automatic Temporary Credentials, so the button will read as
Sign in with Automatic Temporary Credentials`.
c.TmpAuthenticator.auto_login = False
c.TmpAuthenticator.login_service = "your inherent worth as a human being"