JupyterLab Polus Render
JupyterLab Polus Render makes Polus Render available as a JupyterLab extension.
Polus Render allows visualizing tiled raster datasets in Zarr and TIFF formats, as well as vector overlays in MicroJSON format. It uses lookup tables to map intensity values in these datasets to colors.
The are three ways to load the data:
- Specifying a URL to a server serving the data.
- Specifying a local path to a file from JupyterLab.
- Dragging-and-dropping the dataset does not use a server.
Please note that usage differs significantly from https://pypi.org/project/polus-render/
pip install "git+https://github.com/PolusAI/jupyterlab-extensions.git#egg=jupyterlab_polus_render&subdirectory=jupyterlab_polus_render"
export RENDER_URL="<Polus Render URL>"
You may also run %env RENDER_URL <Polus Render URL>
in a notebook to set the enviromental variable.
You will need to restart Jupyter Server for render-server-ext
endpoints to take effect.
Project File Structure
| MANIFEST.in // Packaging entries
| pyproject.toml // Pypi config
└───render-server-ext // Server extension used by jupyterlab_polus_render
| polus_render.py // Main file, contains render function used by user
Build Instructions
- cd to
root directory. py -m build
py -m twine upload dist/*
- Enter
as user and reference API keys for password
- For each upload, version number must be changed in
- Add additional files to
to bundle them with Pypi package
Render: Static build functionality
JupyterLab Polus Render is bundled with a build of Polus Render which supporting the following functionality
Version | Zarr from URL/Path | TIF from URL/Path | Micro-JSON Support | Zarr/TIF Drag & Drop | Micro-JSON Drag & Drop |
Static | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Drag & Drop Demo
Sample usage
from polus.polus_render import render
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pathlib import Path
JL_URL = urlparse("https://<JUPYTERHUB_URL>/user/<USERNAME>/user-namespaces/lab?")
render(nbhub_url=JL_URL, \
render(nbhub_url=JL_URL, \
image_location=Path(r"zarr files/pyramid.zarr"))
render(nbhub_url=JL_URL, \
image_location=Path("zarr files/pyramid.zarr"), \
microjson_overlay_location=Path("overlay files/x00_y01_c1_segmentations.json"))
render(nbhub_url=JL_URL, \
def render(nbhub_url:ParseResult, nb_root:PurePath = Path(os.getenv('HOME')) if "HOME" in os.environ else Path("/home/jovyan/"),
image_location:Union[ParseResult, PurePath] = "",
microjson_overlay_location:Union[ParseResult, PurePath] = "", width:int=960, height:int=500, use_static:bool = True)->str:
Embeds Polus Render into a JupyterLabs notebook with the help of `render-server-ext`
nbhub_url (ParseResult): URL used used for jupyterhub. Contains '/lab/' in its uri
nb_root (PurePath): Root path used to search files in. Default is os.getenv('HOME') else \"/home/joyvan/\""
if HOME does not exist.
if absolute paths will be used for images and json files.
image_location(ParseResult|Purepath): Acquired from urllib.parse.ParseResult or Path, renders url in render.
If not specified, renders default render url.
microjson_overlay_location(ParseResult|Purepath): Acquired from urllib.parse.ParseResult or Path, renders url in render.
If not specified, renders default render url
width (int): width of render to be displayed, default is 960
height (int): height of render to be displayed, default is 500
use_static (bool): Use static build of render, default is True
Returns: Render URL
Implementation Details
- Render application is loaded in an IFrame.
- render() builds up URL scheme fragments for render url, image url, and microjson url. It then combines url fragments into a single url which is displayed through an embedded IFrame.
- Static build of Polus Render as well as files to be displayed are served by Jupyter Server extension
- Dragging-and-dropping the dataset does not use a server. It calls an API from the front end (It should the this under the hood https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_API).