Python building for kdmp-parser

This C++ library parses Windows kernel full dumps (.dump /f
in WinDbg), BMP dumps (.dump /ka
in WinDbg) as well as more recent dump types that were introduced in ~2022.

The library supports loading 64-bit dumps and provides read access to things like:
- The context record,
- The exception record,
- The bugcheck parameters,
- The physical memory.
The Python bindings were authored by hugsy & masthoon. Refer to the project page on Github for documentation, issues and pull requests.
Installing from PyPI
The easiest way is simply to:
pip install kdmp_parser
Installing using PIP
Run the following after installing CMake and Python 3.8+ / pip
cd src/python
pip install requirements.txt
pip install .
To create a wheel pacakge:
cd src/python
pip wheel .
Get context, print the program counter
import kdmp_parser
dmp = kdmp_parser.KernelDumpParser("full.dmp")
assert dmp.type == kdmp_parser.DumpType.FullDump
print(f"Dump RIP={dmp.context.Rip:#x}")
Read a virtual memory page at address pointed by RIP
import kdmp_parser
dmp = kdmp_parser.KernelDumpParser("full.dmp")
Explore the physical memory
import kdmp_parser
dmp = kdmp_parser.KernelDumpParser("full.dmp")
pml4 = dmp.directory_table_base
Translate a virtual address into a physical address
import kdmp_parser
dmp = kdmp_parser.KernelDumpParser("full.dmp")
VA = dmp.context.Rip
PA = dmp.translate_virtual(VA)
print(f"{VA=:#x} -> {PA=:#x}")