This project is no longer being updated. I no longer own a LaCrosse View device and I have moved on to other projects.
I will only do general fixes required by Home Assistant. If you would like to to take over this repo and maintain it, please let me know.
La Crosse View
A library for retrieving data from La Crosse View-connected sensors.
This library is NOT for the Jeelink LaCrosse sensors. You can find that library here.
There is also a Home Assistant integration for the Jeelink LaCrosse sensors.
Run this in your terminal:
pip install lacrosse_view
This example shows how to get the latest data from every sensor connected to the first location on your account.
from lacrosse_view import LaCrosse
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
async def get_data():
api = LaCrosse()
await api.login('username', 'password')
locations = await api.get_locations()
startTime = datetime.now() - timedelta(minutes=1)
endTime = datetime.now()
startTimeUnix = time.mktime(startTime.timetuple())
endTimeUnix = time.mktime(endTime.timetuple())
sensors = await api.get_sensors(locations[0], tz="America/Vancouver", start=startTimeUnix, end=endTimeUnix)
for sensor in sensors:
for field in sensor.sensor_field_names:
value = sensor.data[field]["values"][-1]["s"]
f"{sensor.name} {field}: {value}"
await api.logout()
If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to open an issue.