write_to_lcd( ) - A multi-function command that writes string variables to the LCD display. The exact behavior will depend on arguments.
- Write single string variable to LCD:
write_to_lcd(lcd, "Example String")
- Write a single string variable to a specific row on the LCD screen:
write_to_lcd(lcd, "Example String", row=1)
- Write a frame_buffer to the LCD screen:
write_to_lcd(lcd, frame_buffer, num_cols)
scroll_line( ) - Command used to scroll a single string across the specified line on LCD
- Arguments: scroll_line(lcd, string, row, num_cols, direction, speed)
- lcd (list): ** REQUIRED ** - LCD object as defined by RPLCD library:
- string (string): ** REQUIRED ** - String variable that will be scrolled across screen
- row (int): ** optional ** - Integer var for the LCD screen row the text will be scrolled on.—defaults to row 0 if undefined.
- num_cols (int): ** REQUIRED ** - Integer var for number of columns on LCD screen
- direction (string): ** optional ** - String var with direction ("left" or "right") text should scroll—defaults to left scrolling if undefined.
- speed (int): ** optional ** - Integer var (1-10) representing the speed of scrolling.—defaults to 8 if undefined.
scroll_line(lcd, "Hello World", 1, 12, "right", 9)
scroll_frame_buffer( ) - Command used to scroll all lines in an input frame_buffer across the LCD screen
- Arguments: scroll_frame_buffer(lcd, frame_buffer, num_cols, direction, speed)
- lcd (list): ** REQUIRED ** - LCD object as defined by RPLCD library:
- frame_buffer (string list): ** REQUIRED ** - List of strings that represent each line on LCD screen
- num_cols (int): ** REQUIRED ** - Integer var for number of columns on LCD screen
- direction (string): ** optional ** - String var with direction ("left" or "right") text should scroll—defaults to left scrolling if undefined.
- speed (int): ** optional ** - Integer var (1-10) representing speed of scrolling.—defaults to 8 if undefined.
frame_buffer = ["Line 0", "Line 1"]
scroll_frame_buffer(lcd, frame_buffer, 12, "left", 8)