LittleHorse Python SDK
For documentation on how to use this library, please go to the LittleHorse website.
For examples go to the examples folder.
- Install python.
- Install pipx:
brew install pipx
- Install poetry:
pipx install poetry
- Install poetry shell plugin:
poetry self add poetry-plugin-shell
poetry install
Protobuf Compilation
Run tests
poetry shell
python -m unittest discover -v
Useful Commands
Set python version:
poetry env use python3.9
Types Map
Task arguments type reference:
VariableType.JSON_OBJ: dict[str, Any]
VariableType.JSON_ARR: list[Any]
VariableType.DOUBLE: float
VariableType.BOOL: bool
VariableType.STR: str
VariableType.INT: int
VariableType.BYTES: bytes