loutilities - Lou's utilities
This is a package with a few hopefully useful utilities.
- agegrade - provide age grading calculations (running)
- apikey - manage API keys for an application
- bfile - binary file handler
- configparser - enhanced ConfigParser, provides dict and keys are case sensitive
- csvu - csv and string utilities
- csvwt - write csv from various file types
- extconfigparser - extend ConfigParser.RawConfigParser option interpretation
- geo - utilities for lat / long and other geographic manipulation
- googleauth - oauth 2.0 for google APIs
- kmlutils - utilities for access to kml file
- namesplitter - name splitting method
- nesteddict - handle dict keys like d['a.b.c'] as d['a']['b']['c']
- nicknames - name equivalence detector
- renderrun - common functions for rendering information related to running
- tables - utilities for dataTables javascript support
- tables-files - supporting files required for tables.py -- these need to be copied to project using tables.py
- textreader - read text out of various file types
- timeu - time methods
- transform - transformation methods
- wxextensions - extensions for wxPython widgets
- xmldict - xml / dict conversions, from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/573463-converting-xml-to-dictionary-and-back/
Command line scripts
- agegrade - update age grading table (running)
- apikey - create / update key for an application
- applytemplate - apply a template to files in a directory
- filtercsv - filter a csv file based on indicated filter
- makerst - make rst files as input for Sphinx documentation for a given package
loutilities is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0