Mercury SDK
Mercury SDK can be used in projects that interface with the mercury service
that provides common internal functionality.
Initializing the client
from mercuryclient import MercuryApi
Setup connection parameters
conn_params = {'username': 'mercury_username', 'password':'password', 'url':'https://mercury-url.com'}
m = MercuryApi(conn_params)
m.send_mail(['recipent@email.com'],'Test mail', 'Mail body','ses','ses_profile')
Available APIs:
- send_mail
- send_sms
- request_experian_report
- get_experian_response
- fetch_experian_report
- request_cibil_report
- get_cibil_response
- fetch_cibil_report
- request_highmark_report
- get_highmark_response
- fetch_highmark_report
- request_verify_id
- get_verify_id_result
- request_bank_statement
- get_bank_statement_result
- verify_webhook
- insurance
- secure_patyment_recharge
- get_operators_list
- make_recharge
- get_recharge_status
- get_recharge_wallet_balance
- get_recharge_ip
- get_recharge_plans
- bbps
- set_agent_on_board
- get_state
- get_district_by_state
- get_bill_categories
- get_biller_by_categories
- get_customer_params_by_biller_id
- get_amount
- send_bill_payment_request_transid
- send_bill_payment_request
- get_duplicate_payment_receipt
- register_trasaction_complaint
- register_service_complaint
- get_complaint_status
- get_bbpsid
- verify_bank_account
- verify_gstin
- get_verify_gst_result
- generate_okyc_otp
- verify_okyc_otp
- fetch_rc_details
- verify_udyog_aadhaar
- fetch_equifax_report
- generate_liveness_session_id
- get_liveness_session_result
- extract_itr_details
- fetch_itr_report
- generate_epfo_otp
- verify_epfo_otp
- get_epfo_details
- name_match
- check_e_sign
- create_indv_entity
- create_legal_entity
- payments
- generate_qr_code
- close_qr_code
- generate_payment_plan
- create_payment_subscription
- fetch_subscription
- generate_payment_link
- cancel_payment_link
- charge_subscription
- manage_subscription
- emandate_registration
- emandate_payment_token
- emandate_order
- emandate_recurring_payments
For complex requests like CIBIL, Experian or Highmark, you can construct the request
JSON using the provided pydantic models. The types are available at mercury.types.<request_type>.request.
Example using models for generating Highmark Request::
from mercuryclient.types.highmark.request import Applicant, HighmarkRequest
applicant = Applicant(name="Example Name" ...)
request_obj = HighmarkRequest(
After generating your request, pass the object to the corresponding request
m.fetch_highmark_report(request_obj, profile="sample_profile)
Tests are run under tox
You can install tox with
pip install tox
If using pyenv - you can do the following steps before running tox
(patch version will depend on your installations - tox only considers the major version)
pyenv local 3.7.3 3.6.8 3.8.1
Without this step - tox will not be able to find the interpreters
Run tests using the following command