🧙♂️ Magic The Gathering ✨
🧚♀️ Dataset 🧝♀️
With automated multithreaded image downloading,
caching and optional dataset conversion.
Example reconstructions of dataset elements
using a simple Beta-VAE
⚡️ Quickstart
Install mtgdata
with pip install mtgdata
Prepare or convert the MTG data using the command line with python -m mtgdata --help
📋 Features
MTG Card Face Dataset
- Automatically scrape and download card images from Scryfall
- Multithreaded download through a randomized proxy list
- Only return valid images that are not placeholders
- Return all the faces of a card
- Normalise data, some images are incorrectly sized
- Cached
Convert to HDF5
- Convert the data to an hdf5 dataset
- Much faster than raw
or png
image accesses - Metadata json file allows linking back to original scryfall information.
Pickle HD5F Dataset Class
- Load the converted HDF5 dataset from disk from multiple threads / processes
⬇️ Download Images
Command Line
You can prepare (download) all the normal
quality images
from the default
Scryfall bulk data
by running mtgdata/__main__.py
python3 mtgdata prepare --help
Otherwise, you can instead convert the downloaded images into an hdf5 dataset by running:
python3 mtgdata convert --help
Alternatively you can download the images from within python by simply instantiating
the mtgdata.ScryfallDataset
object. Similar arguments can be specified as that of the
command line approach.
from mtgdata import ScryfallDataset
data = ScryfallDataset(
# you can access the dataset elements like usual
Proxy Issues?
The scrape logic used to obtain the proxy list for mtgdata.utils.proxy.ProxyDownloader
probably go out of date. You can override the default scrape logic used by the Dataset download
logic by registering a new scrape function.
from mtgdata.util.proxy import register_proxy_scraper
from typing import List, Dict
@register_proxy_scraper(name='my_proxy_source', is_default=True)
def custom_proxy_scraper(proxy_type: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
# you should respect this setting, but we will just ignore it
assert proxy_type in ('all', 'http', 'https')
# proxies is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary only has one entry:
# - the key is the protocol
# - the value is the matching full url
return [
{'HTTP': 'http://<my-http-proxy>.com'},
{'HTTPS': 'https://<my-https-proxy>.com'},
🔄 Convert Images to an HDF5 Dataset
Command Line
The images can be convert to hdf5 format by running the file mtgdata.scryfall_convert
Various arguments can be specified, please see the argparse arguments at the bottom of
the file for more information.
python3 mtgdata/scryfall_convert.py
The resulting data file will have the data
key corresponding to the images data.
Alternatively you can convert and generate the hdf5 dataset from within python by simply calling
the mtgdata.scryfall_convert.generate_converted_dataset
function. Similar arguments can be specified
as that of the command line approach.
from mtgdata import generate_converted_dataset
out_obs_size=(224, 160),
Loading The Data
We provide a helper dataset class for loading this generated file.
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from mtgdata import Hdf5Dataset
# this h5py dataset supports pickling, and can be wrapped with a pytorch dataset.
data = Hdf5Dataset(
h5_path='data/converted/mtg-default_cards-normal-60459x224x160x3.h5', # name will differ
# you can wrap the dataset with a pytorch dataloader like usual, and specify more than one worker
dataloader = DataLoader(data, shuffle=True, num_workers=2, batch_size=64)
# to load the data into memory as a numpy array, you can call `data = data.numpy()`
# this will take a long time depending on your disk speed and use a lot of memory.