About MultiNEAT
This is a fork of the original multineat library.
MultiNEAT is a portable software library for performing neuroevolution, a form of machine learning that
trains neural networks with a genetic algorithm. It is based on NEAT, an advanced method for evolving
neural networks through complexification. The neural networks in NEAT begin evolution with very simple
genomes which grow over successive generations. The individuals in the evolving population are grouped
by similarity into species, and each of them can compete only with the individuals in the same species.
The combined effect of speciation, starting from the simplest initial structure and the correct
matching of the genomes through marking genes with historical markings yields an algorithm which
is proven to be very effective in many domains and benchmarks against other methods.
NEAT was developed around 2002 by Kenneth Stanley in the University of Texas at Austin.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Building and installation instructions
To install as a python library
pip install .
To install as a cpp library
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
(sudo) make install
Installing options:
if you want to install the release version without debugging symbols, add this option to the cmake
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
if you want to install the multineat in a different folder, add this option to the cmake
cmake .. -CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/folder/
These options may be combined togheter