
This library provides a tokenizer to use a Japanese BERT model for nagisa.
The model is available in Transformers 🤗.
You can try fill-mask using nagisa_bert at Hugging Face Space.
Python 3.7+ on Linux or macOS is required.
You can install nagisa_bert by using the pip command.
$ pip install nagisa_bert
This model is available in Transformer's pipeline method.
from transformers import pipeline
from nagisa_bert import NagisaBertTokenizer
text = "nagisaで[MASK]できるモデルです"
tokenizer = NagisaBertTokenizer.from_pretrained("taishi-i/nagisa_bert")
fill_mask = pipeline("fill-mask", model='taishi-i/nagisa_bert', tokenizer=tokenizer)
[{'score': 0.1385931372642517,
'sequence': 'nagisa で 使用 できる モデル です',
'token': 8092,
'token_str': '使 用'},
{'score': 0.11947669088840485,
'sequence': 'nagisa で 利用 できる モデル です',
'token': 8252,
'token_str': '利 用'},
{'score': 0.04910655692219734,
'sequence': 'nagisa で 作成 できる モデル です',
'token': 9559,
'token_str': '作 成'},
{'score': 0.03792576864361763,
'sequence': 'nagisa で 購入 できる モデル です',
'token': 9430,
'token_str': '購 入'},
{'score': 0.026893319562077522,
'sequence': 'nagisa で 入手 できる モデル です',
'token': 11273,
'token_str': '入 手'}]
Tokenization and vectorization.
from transformers import BertModel
from nagisa_bert import NagisaBertTokenizer
text = "nagisaで[MASK]できるモデルです"
tokenizer = NagisaBertTokenizer.from_pretrained("taishi-i/nagisa_bert")
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("taishi-i/nagisa_bert")
h = model(**tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")).last_hidden_state
tensor([[[-0.2912, -0.6818, -0.4097, ..., 0.0262, -0.3845, 0.5816],
[ 0.2504, 0.2143, 0.5809, ..., -0.5428, 1.1805, 1.8701],
[ 0.1890, -0.5816, -0.5469, ..., -1.2081, -0.2341, 1.0215],
[-0.4360, -0.2546, -0.2824, ..., 0.7420, -0.2904, 0.3070],
[-0.6598, -0.7607, 0.0034, ..., 0.2982, 0.5126, 1.1403],
[-0.2505, -0.6574, -0.0523, ..., 0.9082, 0.5851, 1.2625]]],
You can find here a list of the notebooks on Japanese NLP using pre-trained models and transformers.
Model description
The model architecture is the same as the BERT bert-base-uncased architecture (12 layers, 768 dimensions of hidden states, and 12 attention heads).
Training Data
The models is trained on the Japanese version of Wikipedia. The training corpus is generated from the Wikipedia Cirrussearch dump file as of August 8, 2022 with and
The model is trained with the default parameters of transformers.BertConfig.
Due to GPU memory limitations, the batch size is set to small; 16 instances per batch, and 2M training steps.