New Relic APM Logger
This library enables the standard python logger to send its logs to New Relic using an async strategy.
Note: These logs are linked to the application only in the context of a web transaction.
Configure the APM agent according to the documentation. A newrelic.ini
should be generated.
By default (unless NEW_RELIC_LOGGER_AUTOIMPORT_DISABLE is True), to enable the python logging module, include this line in your file.
import newrelic_logger
if auto import is disabled, it must be instantiated in the code
from newrelic_logger import NewRelicLogger
NewRelicLogger Arguments
NewRelicLogger constructor receives the following optional arguments:
Name | Type | Description |
app_id | int | The app id for the newrelic APM |
app_name | str | The app name for the newrelic APM |
license_key | str | The license_key for comunicating with the new relic api |
region | str | The region for newrelic, either "US" or "EU" |
log_level | ENUM | The numeric level of the logging event (one of DEBUG, INFO etc.) |
Environment Variables
Optionally, some arguments can be configured by environment variables. These are:
Name | Description |
NEW_RELIC_LOGGER_AUTOIMPORT_DISABLE | Disable the auto import functionality |
NEW_RELIC_APP_ID | The app id for the newrelic APM |
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME | he app name for the newrelic APM |
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY | The license_key for comunicating with the new relic api |
NEW_RELIC_REGION | The region for newrelic, either "US" or "EU" |
Just use the normal python logger, for example, to send an info message:
import logging"This is an info message")
Note: It could be useful to replace the python print function inside your main application to use the implementation. The following code shows how its done.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
print =
Running the program
Run the application using the new relic agent either by using the admin script integration, or the manual integration, as mentioned in the documentation. For example, for the admin script:
NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=newrelic.ini newrelic-admin run-program YOUR_COMMAND_OPTIONS
and for the manual integration:
import newrelic.agent