omnisoot (previously eptlsoot) is an object-oriented computational tool for the simulation of the gas phase synthesis of nanoparticles including soot (Carbon Black), graphene, nickel, and carbon nanotubes in flames and reactors. omnisoot can be used for scientific research or process design and optimization of commercial reactors. It accommodates a variety of particle dynamics, inception, growth, and oxidation models that can be combined and used for target simulations in Premixed and Counterflow diffusion flames as well as Plug Flow, Constant Volume, Partially Stirred, and Shock Tube reactors. Reaction mechanisms are processed by Cantera that is used to compute thermodynamic and kinetics properties of the gas mixture. The code is designed to handle high particle volume fractions. omnisoot can be used from Python and a web interface which provides post-processing and visualization tools. A series of examples are also available in the form of Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts.
omnisoot has been registered for copyright on 31 May 2023 by Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) under regirstration number 1203139.