align_index_to_local_cdays | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Aligns the series dates to a business calendar. Defaults to Sweden. |
resample | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Resamples the series to a specific frequency. |
resample_to_business_period_ends | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Resamples the series to month-end dates with monthly, quarterly or annual frequency. |
value_nan_handle | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Fills Nan in a value series with the preceding non-Nan value. |
return_nan_handle | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Replaces Nan in a return series with a 0.0 float . |
to_cumret | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Converts a return series into a value series and/or resets a value series to be rebased from 1.0. |
to_json | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Method to export object data to a json file. |
to_xlsx | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Method to save the data in the .tsdf DataFrame to an Excel file. |
value_to_ret | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Converts a value series into a percentage return series. |
value_to_diff | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Converts a value series into a series of differences. |
value_to_log | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Converts a value series into a logarithmic return series. |
value_ret_calendar_period | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns the series simple return for a specific calendar period. |
plot_series | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Opens a HTML Plotly Scatter plot of the series in a browser window. |
plot_bars | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Opens a HTML Plotly Bar plot of the series in a browser window. |
to_drawdown_series | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Converts the series into drawdown series. |
rolling_return | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling returns. |
rolling_vol | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling volatilities. |
rolling_var_down | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling VaR figures. |
rolling_cvar_down | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling CVaR figures. |
calc_range | OpenTimeSeries , OpenFrame | Returns the start and end dates of a range from specific period definitions. Used by the below numerical methods and not meant to be used independently. |