OpenSimplex Noise

OpenSimplex is a noise generation function like Perlin or Simplex noise, but better.
OpenSimplex noise is an n-dimensional gradient noise function that was
developed in order to overcome the patent-related issues surrounding
Simplex noise, while continuing to also avoid the visually-significant
directional artifacts characteristic of Perlin noise.
- Kurt Spencer
This is merely a python port of Kurt Spencer's original code (released to the public domain)
and neatly wrapped up in a package.
The master
branch contains the latest code (possibly unstable),
please refer to the version tags for the latest stable version.
An old, archived copy can be found at Github.
Updates for v0.4.*:
- Adds a hard dependency on 'Numpy', for array optimizations aimed at heavier workloads.
- Adds optional dependency on 'Numba', for further speed optimizations using caching
(currently untested due to issues with llvmlite).
- Adds typing support.
- General refactor and cleanup of the library, tests and docs.
- Breaking changes: API functions uses new names.
Bug reports, bug fixes and other issues with existing features of the library are welcomed and will be handled during
the maintainer's free time. New stand-alone examples are also accepted.
However, pull requests with new features for the core internals will not be accepted as it eats up too much weekend
time, which I would rather spend on library stability instead.
pip install opensimplex
Basic usage
>>> import opensimplex
>>> opensimplex.seed(1234)
>>> n = opensimplex.noise2(x=10, y=10)
>>> print(n)
Running tests and benchmarks
Setup a development environment:
make dev
source devenv/bin/activate
make deps
And then run the tests:
make test
Or the benchmarks:
make benchmark
For more advanced examples, see the files in the tests and examples directories.
Seeds the underlying permutation array (which produces different outputs),
using a 64-bit integer number.
If no value is provided, a static default will be used instead.
Works just like seed(), except it uses the system time (in ns) as a seed value.
Not guaranteed to be random so use at your own risk.
Return the value used to seed the initial state.
:return: seed as integer
>>> get_seed()
opensimplex.noise2(x, y)
Generate 2D OpenSimplex noise from X,Y coordinates.
:param x: x coordinate as float
:param y: y coordinate as float
:return: generated 2D noise as float, between -1.0 and 1.0
>>> noise2(0.5, 0.5)
opensimplex.noise2array(x, y)
Generates 2D OpenSimplex noise using Numpy arrays for increased performance.
:param x: numpy array of x-coords
:param y: numpy array of y-coords
:return: 2D numpy array of shape (y.size, x.size) with the generated noise
for the supplied coordinates
>>> rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=0)
>>> ix, iy = rng.random(2), rng.random(2)
>>> noise2array(ix, iy)
array([[ 0.00449931, -0.01807883],
[-0.00203524, -0.02358477]])
opensimplex.noise3(x, y, z)
Generate 3D OpenSimplex noise from X,Y,Z coordinates.
:param x: x coordinate as float
:param y: y coordinate as float
:param z: z coordinate as float
:return: generated 3D noise as float, between -1.0 and 1.0
>>> noise3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
opensimplex.noise3array(x, y, z)
Generates 3D OpenSimplex noise using Numpy arrays for increased performance.
:param x: numpy array of x-coords
:param y: numpy array of y-coords
:param z: numpy array of z-coords
:return: 3D numpy array of shape (z.size, y.size, x.size) with the generated
noise for the supplied coordinates
>>> rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=0)
>>> ix, iy, iz = rng.random(2), rng.random(2), rng.random(2)
>>> noise3array(ix, iy, iz)
array([[[0.54942818, 0.54382411],
[0.54285204, 0.53698967]],
[[0.48107672, 0.4881196 ],
[0.45971748, 0.46684901]]])
opensimplex.noise4(x, y, z, w)
Generate 4D OpenSimplex noise from X,Y,Z,W coordinates.
:param x: x coordinate as float
:param y: y coordinate as float
:param z: z coordinate as float
:param w: w coordinate as float
:return: generated 4D noise as float, between -1.0 and 1.0
>>> noise4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
opensimplex.noise4array(x, y, z, w)
Generates 4D OpenSimplex noise using Numpy arrays for increased performance.
:param x: numpy array of x-coords
:param y: numpy array of y-coords
:param z: numpy array of z-coords
:param w: numpy array of w-coords
:return: 4D numpy array of shape (w.size, z.size, y.size, x.size) with the
generated noise for the supplied coordinates
>>> rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=0)
>>> ix, iy, iz, iw = rng.random(2), rng.random(2), rng.random(2), rng.random(2)
>>> noise4array(ix, iy, iz, iw)
array([[[[0.30334626, 0.29860705],
[0.28271858, 0.27805178]],
[[0.26601215, 0.25305428],
[0.23387872, 0.22151356]]],
[[[0.3392759 , 0.33585534],
[0.3343468 , 0.33118285]],
[[0.36930335, 0.36046537],
[0.36360679, 0.35500328]]]])
- What does the distribution of the noise values look like?

- Kurt Spencer - Original work
- Owen Raccuglia - Test cases, Go Module
- /u/redblobgames - Fixed conversion for Java's long type, see Reddit
And all the other Contributors and Bug Hunters. Thanks!
While the original work was released to the public domain by Kurt, this package is using the MIT license.
Please see the file LICENSE for details.
Example Output
More example code and trinkets can be found in the examples directory.
Example images visualising 2D, 3D and 4D noise on a 2D plane, using the default seed: