.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/outset-wordmark.png
:target: https://github.com/mmore500/outset
:alt: outset wordmark
|PyPi| |docs| |GitHub stars| |CI| |Deploy Sphinx documentation to Pages| |zenodo|
add zoom indicators, insets, and magnified panels to matplotlib/seaborn visualizations with ease!
- compose axes grids to juxtapose a complete plot with data subsets or magnified subregions
- render grid axes as overlaid insets
- draw elegant zoom indicators with publication-ready default styling
- enjoy a familiar, data-oriented interface --- with full feature sets inherited directly from seaborn
- abstract away handling of padding and aspect ratios
- fine-tune appearance and layout with extensive styling options and bundled numbering/symbol library
- use hooks to inject custom functionality, like numbering/symbols and layout tweaks
python3 -m pip install outset
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/outset-gallery-collage.png
:target: https://mmore500.com/outset/gallery.html
:alt: outset gallery collage
Find example code and visualizations |gallery|_.
.. _gallery: https://mmore500.com/outset/gallery.html
.. |gallery| replace:: here
Basic Usage
Use outset.OutsetGrid
to compose source plot with zoom panels on an axes grid.
Zoom sections can be a) designated manually or b) inferred to bound data subsets.
To overlay zoom panels onto source plot, c) call outset.inset_outsets
a) Create OutsetGrid
, Explicit Zoom Areas
.. code:: python
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import outset as otst
import seaborn as sns
# adapted from # https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/
i, a, b, c, d = np.arange(0.0, 2*np.pi, 0.01), 1, 7, 3, 11
# 3 axes grid: source plot and two zoom frames
grid = otst.OutsetGrid([(-10, 8, -8, 12), (-5, 5, -1, 3)]) # frame coords
grid.broadcast(plt.plot, # run plotter over all axes
np.sin(i*a)*np.cos(i*b) * 20, np.sin(i*c)*np.cos(i*d) * 20, # line coords
c="k", zorder=-1) # kwargs forwarded to plt.plot
grid.marqueeplot() # set axlims and render marquee annotations
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/usage1.png
:alt: usage example 1 result
b) Create OutsetGrid
, Inferred Zoom Areas
.. code:: python
grid = otst.OutsetGrid(data=sns.load_dataset("iris").dropna(), # facet over axes grid
x="petal_width", y="petal_length",
col="species", # create zoom panel for each species
hue="species", # color marquee annotations by species
aspect=0.6, height=3) # adjust axes grid geometry
grid.map_dataframe(sns.scatterplot, # map plotter over faceted data
x="petal_width", y="petal_length", legend=False, zorder=0)
grid.marqueeplot() # set axlims and render marquee annotations
grid.add_legend() # add figure-level legend
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/usage2.png
:alt: usage example 2 result
c) Overlay Zoom Panels as Insets
.. code-block:: python
grid = otst.OutsetGrid(data=sns.load_dataset("iris").dropna(), # facet over axes grid
x="petal_width", y="petal_length",
col="species", # put each species in its own outset
hue="species", # make different color marquees
aspect=1.5, height=4) # adjust axes grid geometry
grid.map_dataframe(sns.scatterplot, # map plotter over faceted data
x="petal_width", y="petal_length", legend=False, zorder=0)
grid.add_legend() # add figure-level legend
otst.inset_outsets(grid, insets="NW") # inset outsets in upper-left corner
grid.marqueeplot() # set axlims and render marquee annotations
.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/usage3.png
:alt: usage example 3 result
See the |quickstart|_ for more detailed usage information.
.. _quickstart: https://mmore500.com/outset/quickstart.html
.. |quickstart| replace:: quickstart guide
API Overview
|OutsetGrid|_: compose a source plot and zoom regions over it (e.g., "outsets") on a multiplot lattice
- designate zoom regions directly, or as regions containing data subsets
- object-oriented, "tidy data" interface a la
|inset_outsets|_: rearrange an OutsetGrid
to place outset zoom regions as insets over the original source axes
|marqueeplot|_: axis-level "tidy data" interface to draw marquees framing specified subsets of data
|draw_marquee|_: low-level interface to draw individual marquee annotations
.. |OutsetGrid| replace:: outset.OutsetGrid
.. _OutsetGrid: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.OutsetGrid.html
.. |inset_outsets| replace:: outset.inset_outsets
.. _inset_outsets: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.inset_outsets.html
.. |marqueeplot| replace:: outset.marqueeplot
.. _marqueeplot: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.marqueeplot.html
.. |draw_marquee| replace:: outset.draw_marquee
.. _draw_marquee: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.draw_marquee.html
Read the full API documentation |apidocs|_.
.. _apidocs: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.html#module-outset
.. |apidocs| replace:: here
Available Styling Extensions
Callout mark glyphs: customize marquee identifiers; pass as mark_glyph
|MarkAlphabeticalBadges|_ | |MarkArrow|_ | |MarkInlaidAsterisk|_ | |MarkMagnifyingGlass|_ | |MarkRomanBadges|_
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmore500/outset/481089653d858f14e636c3757df4927783bd5d23/docs/assets/callout-mark-glyphs.png
:alt: comparison of available glyphs
These mark glyphs can also be used directly, independently of the rest of the library!
.. |MarkAlphabeticalBadges| replace:: outset.mark.MarkAlphabeticalBadges
.. _MarkAlphabeticalBadges: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.mark.MarkAlphabeticalBadges.html
.. |MarkArrow| replace:: outset.mark.MarkArrow
.. _MarkArrow: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.mark.MarkArrow.html
.. |MarkInlaidAsterisk| replace:: outset.mark.MarkInlaidAsterisk
.. _MarkInlaidAsterisk: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.mark.MarkInlaidAsterisk.html
.. |MarkMagnifyingGlass| replace:: outset.mark.MarkMagnifyingGlass
.. _MarkMagnifyingGlass: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.mark.MarkMagnifyingGlass.html
.. |MarkRomanBadges| replace:: outset.mark.MarkRomanBadges
.. _MarkRomanBadges: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.mark.MarkRomanBadges.html
Callout tweaks: customize how marquee callouts are shaped and positioned; pass as leader_tweak
- |TweakReflect|_: flip callouts left-right/up-down
- |TweakSpreadArea|_: spread callout glyphs apart to resolve overlaps
.. |TweakReflect| replace:: outset.mark.TweakReflect
.. _TweakReflect: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.tweak.TweakReflect.html
.. |TweakSpreadArea| replace:: outset.mark.TweakSpreadArea
.. _TweakSpreadArea: https://mmore500.com/outset/_autosummary/outset.tweak.TweakSpreadArea.html
If outset is used in scientific publication, please cite it as
Matthew Andres Moreno. (2023). mmore500/outset. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10426106
.. code:: bibtex
author = {Matthew Andres Moreno},
title = {mmore500/outset},
month = dec,
year = 2023,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10426106},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10426106}
Consider also citing matplotlib <https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/project/citing.html>
__ and seaborn <https://seaborn.pydata.org/citing.html>
__ .
And don't forget to leave a star on GitHub <https://github.com/mmore500/outset/stargazers>
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions.
Documentation includes detailed information to get you started <https://mmore500.com/outset/contributing.html#>
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