The pandastable library provides a table widget for Tkinter with
plotting and data manipulation functionality. It uses the pandas
DataFrame class to store table data. Pandas is an open source Python
library providing high-performance data structures and data analysis
tools. Tkinter is the standard GUI toolkit for python. It is intended
for the following uses:
- for python/tkinter GUI developers who want to include a table in
their application that can store and process large amounts of data
- for non-programmers who are not familiar with Python or the pandas
API and want to use the included DataExplore application to
manipulate/view their data
- it may also be useful for data analysts and programmers who want to
get an initial interactive look at their tabular data without coding
The DataExplore application
Installing the package creates a command dataexplore in your path.
Just run this to open the program. This is a standalone application for
data manipulation and plotting meant for education and basic data
analysis. See the home page for this application at