PANOPTES Utilities

Utility functions for use within the Project PANOPTES ecosystem and for general
astronomical processing.
This library defines a number of modules that contain useful functions as well as a few services.
To install type:
pip install panoptes-utils
Full options for install:
pip install "panoptes-utils[config,docs,images,testing,social]"
See the full documentation at:
There are a few system dependencies depending on what functionality you will be using.
In particular, the plate solving requires
and the appropriate index files.
Use the following on a debian-based system (e.g. Ubuntu) to easily install all dependencies:
apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes \
libffi-dev libssl-dev \ astrometry-data-tycho2 \
dcraw exiftool libcfitsio-dev libcfitsio-bin \
libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libffi-dev
Command Line
The panoptes-utils
command line tool is available for use with subcommands
corresponding to the modules in this library. Currently, the only implemented
subcommand is image
, which includes commands for converting cr2
files into
and/or fits
files as well as for plate-solving fits
The panoptes-utils image watch <path>
command will watch the given path for
new files and convert them to jpg
and/or fits
files as they are added.
See panoptes-utils --help
and panoptes-utils image --help
for details.
Config Server
There is a simple key-value configuration server available as part of the module.
After installing with the config
option as above, type:
panoptes-config-server run --config-file <path-to-file.yaml>
uses pyscaffold
for project setup,
which then uses the standard tox
and pyproject.toml
tools to manage the project. Tests can
be run with tox
, e.g.
tox -e clean
tox -e build