passagemath: Polynomial system solving through algebraic methods with msolve
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SageMath fully supports all major Linux distributions, recent versions of
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See https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/index.html
for general installation instructions.
About this pip-installable distribution package
This pip-installable source distribution sagemath-msolve
provides an interface to msolve <https://msolve.lip6.fr/>
_, which implements computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (with rational coefficients or coefficients in a prime field).
A quick way to try it out interactively::
$ pipx run --pip-args="--prefer-binary" --spec "passagemath-msolve[test]" ipython
In [1]: from sage.all__sagemath_msolve import *
In [2]: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 2, names=['x', 'y'], order='lex')
In [3]: x, y = R.gens()
In [4]: I = Ideal([ x*y - 1, (x-2)**2 + (y-1)**2 - 1])
In [5]: I.variety(RBF, algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
[{x: [2.76929235423863 +/- 2.08e-15], y: [0.361103080528647 +/- 4.53e-16]},
{x: 1.000000000000000, y: 1.000000000000000}]