♟️ Pawnlib
A versatile Python library for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Monitor SSH logs, manage WebSocket connections, and automate tasks with ease.
A collection of libraries that can be used like pawns on a chessboard.
Pawnlib is a collection of libraries for IaC.
It provides a collection of utility functions and classes that aim to enhance productivity and streamline code development. The library is particularly useful for developers looking to reduce repetitive coding patterns and improve code readability.
utils, globals vars, logging, http, network, pretty printing, resource, converter ...

Installing pawnlib
pawnlib is available on PyPI:
pip3 install pawnlib
pawnlib with wallet is available on PyPI:
pip3 install pawnlib[wallet]
Global Config
You can use the global config.
from pawnlib.config.globalconfig import pawnlib_config as pawn
from pawnlib.output import *
def main():
current_path = get_script_path(__file__)
log_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
app_name = "default_app"
stdout = True
log_time_format=f"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f",
pawn.console.log("START APP")
CLI supports the following commands: icon, server, proxy, net, top, docker, aws, rpc, http, gs, init, info, banner, websocket, wallet.
$ pawns
__________ _____ __ _________ _________
\______ \/ _ \/ \ / \ \ / _____/
| ___/ /_\ \ \/\/ / | \ \_____ \
| | / | \ / | \/ \
|____| \____|__ /\__/\ /\____|__ /_______ /
\/ \/ \/ \/
- Description :
- Version : 2.0.15
- Author : jinwoo
The pawns is designed to serve as the main command-line interface (CLI)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
icon icon module
server This command is used to check and verify the server’s resources.
proxy A Proxy Reflector Tool
net This is a tool to measure your server's resources.
top This is a tool to measure your server's resources.
docker docker module
aws Get meta information from AWS EC2.
rpc This tool uses JSON remote procedure calls, or RPCs, commonly used on the ICON blockchain.
http This is a tool to measure RTT on HTTP/S requests.
gs Genesis Tool
init Advanced Python application builder: Easily initialize your Python development environment with
customizable templates and best practices.
info This command displays server resource information.
banner Command to test the banner.
websocket Connect to the Goloop network with WebSocket to receive blocks.
wallet A tool for managing ICON wallets. It supports creating new wallets and loading existing ones.
app builder
You can create a simple application based on pawnlib with the command below.
$ pawns init
[10:35:21,837] main_cli wrapper main_cli.py:117
[10:35:21,840] args = Namespace(proxy=None, init=Namespace(command='init')), command = init main_cli.py:119
___. .__.__ .___
\_ |__ __ __|__| | __| _/___________
| __ \| | \ | | / __ |/ __ \_ __ \
| \_\ \ | / | |__/ /_/ \ ___/| | \/
|___ /____/|__|____/\____ |\___ >__|
\/ \/ \/
- Description : Initialize Python Development Environment
- Version : 0.0.28
- Author : jinwoo
PWD = /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib
What's your python3 app name? (default_app):
What's your name? (jinwoo):
Please explain this script. (This is script):
Project directory => /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib ? [y/n] (y):
Do you want to logger? [y/n] (y):
Do you want to daemon? [y/n] (n):
simple reflector proxy
Simple Python HTTP Server which reflects the client HTTP request header in server logs to see the header fields forwarded by web servers.
$ pawns proxy -l 8080 -f
[10:34:33,898] main_cli wrapper main_cli.py:117
[10:34:33,902] args = Namespace(proxy=Namespace(listen='8080', forward='', buffer_size=4096, delay=0.0001, main_cli.py:119
timeout=3), init=None), command = proxy
_____________ _______ ______.__.
\____ \_ __ \/ _ \ \/ < | |
| |_> > | \( <_> > < \___ |
| __/|__| \____/__/\_ \/ ____|
|__| \/\/
_____.__ __
_______ _____/ ____\ | ____ _____/ |_ ___________
\_ __ \_/ __ \ __\| | _/ __ \_/ ___\ __\/ _ \_ __ \
| | \/\ ___/| | | |_\ ___/\ \___| | ( <_> ) | \/
|__| \___ >__| |____/\___ >\___ >__| \____/|__|
\/ \/ \/
- Description : proxy reflector
- Version : 0.0.28
- Author : jinwoo
[10:34:33,904] args = Namespace(listen='8080', forward='', buffer_size=4096, delay=0.0001, timeout=3) proxy.py:173
[10:34:33,905] Listen => Forward
module offers a streamlined and efficient way to perform HTTP requests and handle responses.
$ pawns http
.__ __ __ .__
| |___/ |__/ |_______ |__| ____ ____
| | \ __\ __\____ \| |/ \ / ___\
| Y \ | | | | |_> > | | \/ /_/ >
|___| /__| |__| | __/|__|___| /\___ /
\/ |__| \//_____/
- Description : This is a tool to measure RTT on HTTP/S requests.
- base_dir : /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib
- logs_dir : /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib/logs
- Version : 1.0.84
- Author : jinwoo
[11:25:46,975] Invalid url: name=default, url=
usage: local_cli.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-q] [-i INTERVAL] [-m METHOD] [-t TIMEOUT] [-b BASE_DIR] [--success SUCCESS [SUCCESS ...]]
[--logical-operator {and,or}] [--ignore-ssl IGNORE_SSL] [-d DATA] [--headers HEADERS] [-w WORKERS] [--stack-limit STACK_LIMIT]
[--dynamic-increase-stack-limit DYNAMIC_INCREASE_STACK_LIMIT] [--slack-url SLACK_URL] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [-bk BLOCKHEIGHT_KEY]
positional arguments:
url URL to be checked
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Path to the configuration file. Defaults to "config.ini".
-v, --verbose Enables verbose mode. Higher values increase verbosity level. Default is 1.
-q, --quiet Enables quiet mode. Suppresses all messages. Default is 0.
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
Interval time in seconds between checks. Default is 1 second.
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
HTTP method to use (e.g., GET, POST). Default is "GET".
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Timeout in seconds for each HTTP request. Default is 10 seconds.
-b BASE_DIR, --base-dir BASE_DIR
Base directory for httping operations. Default is the current working directory.
--success SUCCESS [SUCCESS ...]
Criteria for success. Can specify multiple criteria. Default is ["status_code==200"].
--logical-operator {and,or}
Logical operator for evaluating success criteria. Choices are "and", "or". Default is "and".
--ignore-ssl IGNORE_SSL
Ignores SSL certificate validation if set to True. Default is True.
-d DATA, --data DATA Data to be sent in the HTTP request body. Expected in JSON format. Default is an empty dictionary.
--headers HEADERS HTTP headers to be sent with the request. Expected in JSON format. Default is an empty dictionary.
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
Maximum number of worker processes. Default is 10.
--stack-limit STACK_LIMIT
Error stack limit. Default is 5.
--dynamic-increase-stack-limit DYNAMIC_INCREASE_STACK_LIMIT
Dynamically increases the error stack limit if set to True. Default is True.
--slack-url SLACK_URL
URL for sending notifications to Slack. Optional.
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
Log level.
JSON key to extract the blockheight information, e.g., 'result.sync_info.latest_block_height'. The script will check if the blockheight at
this path is increasing.
--dry-run Executes a dry run without making actual HTTP requests. Default is False.
This script provides various options to check the HTTP status of URLs.
Usage examples:
1. Basic usage:
pawns http https://example.com
2. Verbose mode:
pawns http https://example.com -v
3. Using custom headers and POST method:
pawns http https://example.com -m POST --headers '{"Content-Type": "application/json"}' --data '{"param": "value"}'
4. Ignoring SSL verification and setting a custom timeout:
pawns http https://example.com --ignore-ssl True --timeout 5
5. Checking with specific success criteria and logical operator:
pawns http https://example.com --success 'status_code==200' 'response_time<2' --logical-operator and
6. Running with a custom config file and interval:
pawns http https://example.com -c http_config.ini -i 3
success = status_code==200
slack_url =
interval = 3
method = get
; data = sdsd
data = {"sdsd": "sd222sd"}
url = http://httpbin.org/post
method = post
url = http://httpbin.org/status/200
success = status_code==200
url = http://httpbin.org/status/300
success = ['status_code==300', 'response_time<0.02']
url = http://httpbin.org/status/400
success = ["status_code==400"]
7. Setting maximum workers and stack limit:
pawns http https://example.com -w 5 --stack-limit 10
8. Dry run without actual HTTP request:
pawns http https://example.com --dry-run
9. Sending notifications to a Slack URL on failure:
pawns http https://example.com --slack-url 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'
10. Checking blockheight increase:
pawns http http://test-node-01:26657/status --blockheight-key "result.sync_info.latest_block_height" -i 5
Officially supports Python 3.9+.
Documentation and tutorials are available at https://pawnlib.readthedocs.io
Release Information