PDF Scraper Benchmark Tool
The PDF Scraper Benchmark Tool is designed to evaluate and compare the performance of various PDF scraping libraries and command-line tools. This tool measures various metrics such as speed, accuracy, and resource usage, helping users select the best tool for their specific needs.
- Multiple Scraper Support: Integrates with popular Python libraries and command-line PDF scraping tools.
- Extensible: Easily add new scrapers via a simple plugin system.
- Metrics Evaluation: Benchmarks tools based on performance, accuracy, and efficiency.
- CLI Interface: Provides a user-friendly command-line interface for running benchmarks and generating reports.
The application can be used as an executable container. If you would like to use the the application
in this way, you will need to have Docker installed. Instructions for installing Docker on various platforms can be found here.
If you choose to run the application locally you will need the following dependencies:
Core Dependencies
- Python 3.10+ and pip
- pipx
- poetry
- gcc and build-essentials for building C based libraries
The Tika and PDFBox are both Java based applications. If you plan on using those tools
you will need to have Java installed. Installation instructions for openjdk are here.
In order to use the tesseract scraper you must have tesseract installed on your system. Instructions
for installation can be found here.
To run the application locally on a Windows 11 machine, follow the setup instructions provided here. For other operating systems, please refer to the instructions below:
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/the-merge/pdf-benchmarker.git
cd pdf-benchmarker
Install dependencies with poetry
poetry install
poetry run python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Copy the .env.sample
to .env
cp .env.sample .env
Update .env
with your environment variables
Code Formatting
This project uses black
to format the code
and perform linting checks. Black integrates with many editors to automatically format
code on save. A list of supported editors and instructions for how to integrate this with your favorite tools
can be found here.
Formatting can also be handled via pre-commit hooks. The pre-commit
can be used to
install the hook:
poetry run pre-commit install
After the commit hook has been installed your code will be reformatted as part of your
commit workflow.
This application uses Click to make this a command line interface.
Scrape a single file:
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli pdf-benchmarker --scraper pdfminer --file "data/sample_pdfs/2404.10260.pdf" --output "data/output/pdfminer/2404.10260.txt" --overwrite
Replace pdfminer with the name of the scraper you want to use, and update the path to the pdf file you want to scrape.
Evaluate a single file:
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli evaluate --metric cosine_similarity --scraped-file "data/output/pdfminer/2404.10260.txt" --ground-truth-file "data/sample_txts/2404.10260.txt"
Replace cosine_similarity with the name of the metric you want to use, and update the path to the scraped & ground truth text files.
Scrape and evaluate all files:
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli evaluate-all
Alternatively run the python commands above through a text user interface:
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli tui
(From within the pdf-benchmarker directory)
To build the image: docker build -t pdf-benchmarker .
Scrape a single file:
(Replace pdfminer with the name of the scraper you want to use, and update the path to the pdf file you want to scrape.)
docker run \
--rm \
-v "${PWD}/data":/app/data \
pdf-benchmarker \
pdf-benchmarker \
--scraper pdfminer \
--file "data/sample_pdfs/embedded-images-tables.pdf“ \
--output "data/output/pdfminer/embedded-images-tables.txt"
Evaluate a single file:
(Replace cosine_similarity with the name of the metric you want to use, and update the path to the scraped & ground truth text files.)
docker run \
--rm \
-v "${PWD}/data":/app/data \
pdf-benchmarker \
evaluate \
--metric cosine_similarity \
--scraped-file "data/output/pdfminer/2404.10260.txt" \
--ground-truth-file "data/sample_txts/2404.10260.txt"
Scrape and evaluate all files:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/data":/app/data pdf-benchmarker scrape-all
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/data":/app/data pdf-benchmarker evaluate-all
Adding New Scrapers
To add a new scraper:
Implement the scraper class in src/scraper/scrapers.py adhering to the ScraperInterface.
Add the scraper to the factory in src/scraper/scraper_factory.py.
Run with: poetry run streamlit run src/pdf_benchmarker/streamlit/streamlit_app.py
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Windows Setup
By following these steps, you should be able to set up and run the project on a Windows 11 machine using a Miniconda environment.
Install Miniconda
Download and install Miniconda by following the instructions on the official website. Ensure that the following paths are acce
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/yourproject.git
cd yourproject
Add Miniconda to the Windows PATH
environment variable.
Step-by-Step Setup Guide
Create a new conda environment for the project and activate it. Replace env_name
with your desired environment name:
conda create --name env_name python=3.11
conda activate env_name
Install pipx:
conda install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx --version
Install poetry:
pipx install poetry
poetry --version
Add Poetry to Windows PATH
environment variable. Replace <username>
with your user name. E.g.
Install the project dependencies specified in the pyproject.toml
poetry install
poetry run python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Copy the .env.sample
to .env
. Update .env
with your environment variables.
cp .env.sample .env
Verify the Installation
Verify that all dependencies are installed correctly and the environment is set up by running:
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli evaluate --metric cer --scraped-file "data/output/pdfminer/2404.10260.txt" --ground-truth-file "data/sample_txts/2404.10260.txt"
Test Coverage
This project uses Coverage.py
to generate test coverage reports.
First, run the test suite with coverage enabled:
poetry run coverage run -m pytest
Next, generate a simple coverage report:
poetry run coverage report
You can optionally generate an HTML-based report, which allows you to click on individual files to see line-by-line coverage:
poetry run coverage html
Open the HTML file in your browser to view:
open htmlcov/index.html
You can add a command-line option that allows parsing all documents for a specific parser,
you can modify the scrape_all command to accept a scraper parameter.
This way, you can either run all scrapers or a specific one.
Added an option --scraper to the scrape_all command
poetry run python -m src.pdf_benchmarker.cli scrape-all --scraper pdfminer