Parsing Expressions
pe is a library for parsing expressions, including parsing
expression grammars (PEGs). It aims to join the expressive power of
parsing expressions with the familiarity of regular expressions. For
>>> import pe
>>> pe.match(r'"-"? [0-9]+', '-38')
<Match object; span=(0, 3), match='-38'>
A grammar can be used for more complicated or recursive patterns:
>>> float_parser = pe.compile(r'''
... INTEGER <- "-"? ("0" / [1-9] [0-9]*)
... FRACTION <- "." [0-9]+
... EXPONENT <- [Ee] [-+]? [0-9]+
... ''')
>>> float_parser.match('6.02e23')
<Match object; span=(0, 7), match='6.02e23'>
Quick Links
Features and Goals
- Grammar notation is backward-compatible with standard PEG with few extensions
- A specification describes the semantic
effect of parsing (e.g., for mapping expressions to function calls)
- Parsers are often faster than other parsing libraries, sometimes by
a lot; see the benchmarks
- The API is intuitive and familiar; it's modeled on the standard
API's re module
- Grammar definitions and parser implementations are separate
Syntax Overview
pe is backward compatible with standard PEG syntax and it is
conservative with extensions.
# terminals
. # any single character
"abc" # string literal
'abc' # string literal
[abc] # character class
# repeating expressions
e # exactly one
e? # zero or one (optional)
e* # zero or more
e+ # one or more
e{5} # exactly 5
e{3,5} # three to five
# combining expressions
e1 e2 # sequence of e1 and e2
e1 / e2 # ordered choice of e1 and e2
(e) # subexpression
# lookahead
&e # positive lookahead
!e # negative lookahead
# (extension) capture substring
~e # result of e is matched substring
# (extension) binding
name:e # bind result of e to 'name'
# grammars
Name <- ... # define a rule named 'Name'
... <- Name # refer to rule named 'Name'
# (extension) auto-ignore
X < e1 e2 # define a rule 'X' with auto-ignore
Matching Inputs with Parsing Expressions
When a parsing expression matches an input, it returns a Match
object, which is similar to those of Python's
re module for regular
expressions. By default, nothing is captured, but the capture operator
) emits the substring of the matching expression, similar to
regular expression's capturing groups:
>>> e = pe.compile(r'[0-9] [.] [0-9]')
>>> m = e.match('1.4')
>>> m.groups()
>>> e = pe.compile(r'~([0-9] [.] [0-9])')
>>> m = e.match('1.4')
>>> m.groups()
Value Bindings
A value binding extracts the emitted values of a match and associates
it with a name that is made available in the Match.groupdict()
dictionary. This is similar to named-capture groups in regular
expressions, except that it extracts the emitted values and not the
substring of the bound expression.
>>> e = pe.compile(r'~[0-9] x:(~[.]) ~[0-9]')
>>> m = e.match('1.4')
>>> m.groups()
('1', '4')
>>> m.groupdict()
{'x': '.'}
Actions (also called "semantic actions") are callables that transform
parse results. When an arbitrary function is given, it is called as
func(*match.groups(), **match.groupdict())
The result of this function call becomes the only emitted value going
forward and all bound values are cleared.
For more control, pe provides the Action class and a number of
subclasses for various use-cases. These actions have access to more
information about a parse result and more control over the
match. For example, the Pack class takes a function and calls it
with the emitted values packed into a list:
And the Join class joins all emitted strings with a separator:
func(sep.join(match.groups()), **match.groupdict())
The grammar can be defined such that some rules ignore occurrences of
a pattern between sequence items. Most commonly, this is used to
ignore whitespace, so the default ignore pattern is simple whitespace.
>>> pe.match("X <- 'a' 'b'", "a b")
>>> pe.match("X < 'a' 'b'", "a b")
<Match object; span=(0, 3), match='a b'>
This feature can help to make grammars more readable.
Here is one way to parse a list of comma-separated integers:
>>> from pe.actions import Pack
>>> p = pe.compile(
... r'''
... Start <- "[" Values? "]"
... Values <- Int ("," Int)*
... Int < ~( "-"? ("0" / [1-9] [0-9]*) )
... ''',
... actions={'Values': Pack(list), 'Int': int})
>>> m = p.match('[5, 10, -15]')
>>> m.value()
[5, 10, -15]
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