PetDB is a simple and lightweight NOSQL JSON database for pet projects.
It was designed with the convenient and comfortable mongo-like API.
In this package also was implemented simple array with the same API,
that supports not only dict documents but any built-in python type.

PetDB can be installed with pip:
python -m pip install petdb
You can also download the project source and do:
pip install .
PetDB was created as a lightweight package, so there are no dependencies.
To use this database you should only import PetDB and get an instance.
By default, it will create folder for storing collections in the current directory,
but you can provide any path:
from petdb import PetDB
db = PetDB.get(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "persistent", "storage"))
Next you should select the collection, if it doesn't exist, it will created automatically.
You can do it just by attribute access, by index key or use a method (it will create a new one if it doesn't exist):
users = db.users
subscriptions = db["subscriptions"]
payments = db.collection("payments")
>>> from petdb import PetDB
>>> db = PetDB.get()
>>> users = db["users"]
>>> users.insert_many([
... {"name": "John", "age": 28, "subscriptions": ["tv", "cloud"]},
... {"name": "Michael", "age": 32, "subscriptions": ["tv"]},
... {"name": "Sam", "age": 18, "subscriptions": ["music", "cloud"]},
... {"name": "Alex", "age": 24, "subscriptions": ["tv", "music"]},
... {"name": "Bob", "age": 18, "subscriptions": ["music"]},
... ])
[{"name": "John", "age": 28, "subscriptions": ["tv", "cloud"], "_id": "..."}, ...]
>>> users.update(
... {"$append": {"subscriptions": "games"}},
... {"age": {"$lt": 25}, "subscriptions": {"$contains": "music"}}
... )
>>> selection = users.filter({"age": 18}).sort("name")
>>> print(selection.pick("name").list())
["Bob", "Sam"]
>>> selection.remove()
[{"name": "Bob", "age": 18, "subscriptions": ["music", "games"], "_id": "..."},
{"name": "Sam", "age": 18, "subscriptions": ["music", "cloud", "games"], "_id": "..."}]
>>> for user in users:
... print(user)
{'name': 'John', 'age': 28, 'subscriptions': ['tv', 'cloud'], '_id': '...'}
{'name': 'Michael', 'age': 32, 'subscriptions': ['tv'], '_id': '...'}
{'name': 'Alex', 'age': 24, 'subscriptions': ['tv', 'music', 'games'], '_id': '...'}
Documentation is available at
python -m tests