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| linux | CPython 3.7 | |CodeBuild Linux CPython 3.7| |
| windows | CPython 3.7 | |CodeBuild Windows CPython 3.7| |
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:alt: Linux Python 3.7
_ is great for keeping your CLI tools isolated and your system Python paths clean.
However, it still requires that you install pipx
_ itself in your system Python.
But pipx
_ is a CLI tool installed through pip
...why not install pipx
_ with pipx
Why not indeed!
With pipx-in-pipx
, all you need to do is install :
.. code:: shell
$ pip install pipx-in-pipx
But wait! You say.
Didn't you just say that we shouldn't install things to system Python?
What pipx-in-pipx
actually does is slightly (but only slightly) evil.
Rather than actually installing anything when you run "install",
instead builds a temporary virtual environment,
installs pipx
_ there,
and then uses that pipx
_ to install pipx
_ in your user local space,
just like any other pipx
_-installed tool.
What you end up with is a pipx
_ installation that is itself managed by pipx
Sharp Edges
Which Python?
By default, pipx
_ uses its own Python for each environment that it creates.
Normally, this would be the system Python, whatever it was when you installed pipx
However, when your are using a pipx-in-pipx
-installed pipx
the default Python that pipx
_ uses for each environment it creates is instead
whatever Python you used to "install" pipx-in-pipx
This has two notable side effects:
#. If you uninstall your pipx
-managed pipx
then all of the tools that you installed using that pipx
_ will stop working
because their Pythons suddenly point to nothing.
#. If you want to change the Python used by all of your pipx
-managed tools,
you only need to reinstall one of them (pipx
) rather than reinstalling all of them.
_ has a handy feature to uninstall all pipx
-managed tools.
Because you have now made pipx
manage itself,
running pipx uninstall-all
will also uninstall pipx
This is not a bug, but a feature.
By installing pipx
_ using pipx-in-pipx
you have expressed an intent that you want pipx
_ to manage itself.
If that's not what you want, this is not the tool for you.
If you at any point uninstall your pipx
-managed pipx
you can simply pip install pipx-in-pipx
again to rebuild it.
.. _pipx: https://pipxproject.github.io/pipx/