Poetry pre-commit Plugin

A Poetry plugin for automatically installing git
pre-commit hooks whenever pre-commit
is specified as a dependency of the
Personally I find that running pre-commit install
every time I start working
on a new repository is very easy to forget - there have been numerous occasions
where I'd forget this step, commit some changes only to be surprised later on
by failing CI checks 😅 This plugin aims to solve this issue by doing
this small step for me automatically behind the scenes.
The plugin requires Poetry version 1.2.0b1
or above. Since this is still a
pre-release version, you have to specify it explicitly when installing:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3.9 - --version 1.2.0b3
Once a valid version of Poetry is set up, you can install the plugin like so:
poetry self add poetry-pre-commit-plugin
For more in-depth information, please refer to
Poetry's docs.
There's no way to use this plugin explicitly - it will work behind the scenes
after you run either poetry install
or poetry add
. In either of those cases,
the plugin will check the following conditions:
- Is the project inside a git repository?
- Is
listed as a dependency of the project (or, in the case of
poetry add
- was it just added)? - Has the pre-commit hook not been activated yet (i.e. the file
does not exist)?
If all conditions are met, the plugin will run pre-commit install
for you.