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Polimòrfo (πολύμορϕος, comp. di πολυ- «poli-» e μορϕή «forma») is a dataset loader and converter library for object detection segmentation and classification.
The goal of the project is to create a library able to process dataset in format:
.. _COCO: http://cocodataset.org/#format-data
.. _Pascal VOC
: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/
.. _Google Open Images
: https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/download.html
- COCO_: Common Objects in Context
Pascal VOC
_: Visual Object Classes ChallengeGoogle Open Images
_: Object Detection and Segmentation dataset released by Google
and transform these dataset into a common format (COCO).
Moreover, the library offers utilies to handle (load, convert, store and transform) the various type of annotations.
This is important when you need to:
- convert mask to polygons
- store mask in a efficient format
- convert mask/poygons into bounding boxes
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
_ project template.
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
0.2.0 (2020-02-18)
- Add support to process coco dataset
0.2.1 (2020-02-28)
- add support to download files and archives from the web and google drive
0.3.0 (2020-10-04)
- addedd support for removing categories and other utilities
0.4.0 (2020-10-05)
- addedd support to create a dataset from scratch
0.5.0 (2020-10-06)
- added support to visualize images and annotations
- make image removing optional during annotations and categories deletion
0.6.0 (2020-10-12)
- added copy dataset
- added split dataset
0.6.1 (2020-10-12)
- fixed a bug in colors generation for show images
0.6.2 (2020-10-12)
- update signature for function
def update_images_path(self, func):
0.7.0 (2020-10-19)
- add method to dump dataset in format segmentation map
0.8.0 (2020-10-23)
- fixed bug in maskutils.mask_to_polygons
- add class to transform the predictions from instance and semantic segmentation in coco format
- fixed bug in add_image, add_annotation, add_category
- make load_image and load_images load random images sampled from the dataset
0.8.1 (2020-10-23)
- fixed bug for tqdm when removing a category and its annotations from the dataset
0.8.2 (2020-10-23)
- removed the prefix jpg when saving masks
- update draw instance to draw only bounding boxes
0.8.3 (2020-10-24)
- fixed bug in enum for draw instances
0.8.4 (2020-10-24)
0.8.5 (2020-10-24)
- changed representation for masks from [width, height, labels] to [labels, width, height]
0.8.6 (2020-10-24)
- added method to crop images
- added method to move annotations with respect a bounding box
0.8.7 (2020-10-24)
- support fully creation o a new dataset
0.8.8-11 (2020-10-26)
0.8.12 (2020-10-26)
- fixed bug when the size of the segments is equal to 4
0.8.13 (2020-10-26)
- fixed bug in json dump to serialize numpy array
0.8.14 (2020-10-26)
- fixed bug in json dump to serialize numpy types
0.9.1 (2020-10-28)
- fixed various bugs
- add index for speedup lookup operations
0.9.2 (2020-10-28)
- add new feature to compute mean average precision and recall per class and global
0.9.3 (2020-10-28)
- add computation of mean average precision and mean average recall per image
0.9.4 (2020-10-28)
- fixed bug in score computation
- fixed bug in mask generation
- feature that allows us to add a single mask per component when saving segmentation results
- add min confidence when displaying prediction from a segmentation mask model
- now semantic coco accepts only logits to create annotations
- add new method to remap category idxs
- add new feature to save images and masks to a folder and filter out images and mask with less than k annotations
- the method
return also the avg score of the image annotations - the method
save also a weight files with the avg score for the image