BCJ(Branch-Call-Jump) filter for python
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:target: https://badge.fury.io/py/pybcj
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:target: https://coveralls.io/github/miurahr/pybcj?branch=main
In data compression, BCJ, short for Branch-Call-Jump, refers to a technique that improves the compression of
machine code of executable binaries by replacing relative branch addresses with absolute ones.
This allows a LZMA compressor to identify duplicate targets and archive higher compression rate.
BCJ is used in 7-zip compression utility as default filter for executable binaries.
pybcj is a python bindings with BCJ implementation by C language.
The C codes are derived from p7zip, portable 7-zip implementation.
pybcj support Intel/Amd x86/x86_64, Arm/Arm64, ArmThumb, Sparc, PPC, and IA64.
Development status
A development status is considered as Beta
As usual, you can install pybcj using python standard pip command.
.. code-block::
pip install pybcj
Alternatively, one can also use conda:
.. code-block::
conda install -c conda-forge pybcj
- When use it on MSYS2/Mingw64 environment, please set environment variable
to install.
- Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Hiroshi Miura
- Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov