A Python client library for communication with Guacamole <http://guac-dev.org/>
_ server (guacd)
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Using pip
$ pip install pyguacamole
From source
$ python setup.py install
GuacamoleClient handles communication with a running guacd server via Guacamole Protocol <http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/protocol-reference.html>
GuacamoleClient must be used by a broker server which handles communication with a Javscript application running in the browser. GuacamoleClient implements the methods that enables communication with guacd server (send & receive).
First step should be establishing handshake with guacd server, then
Broker server should handle instruction sending and receiving:
- send: send instruction to guacd server
- receive: receive instruction from guacd server
>>> from guacamole.client import GuacamoleClient
>>> client = GuacamoleClient('', 4822)
>>> client.handshake(protocol='rdp', hostname='localhost', port=3389)
Once instruction is received from guacd server, it should be sent immediately to the browser
>>> instruction = client.receive()
>>> instruction
and once instruction is sent from browser, it should be sent immediately to guacd server
>>> instruction = '5.mouse,3.400,3.500;'
>>> client.send(instruction)
PyGuacamole is released under the MIT License <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mohabusama/pyguacamole/master/LICENSE>
_ and is based on the initial effort by Rescale django-guacamole <https://github.com/rescale/django-guacamole>
_ project.