PyJan26 is a static site generator written in Python. It allows you to generate static websites from templates and content files, with support for pagination, and extend using plugins.
Install PyJan26 using pip:
pip install pyjan26
Initialize a new project:
python -m pyjan26.main s <project_name>
cd <project_name>
Generate static site:
python -m pyjan26.main g
To run your generated static site :
python -m http.server --directory public/
Directory Structure
PyJan26 follows a specific directory structure:
├── _templates/
│ ├── base.html
│ └── custom_template.html
├── _content/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── public/
├── index.html
├── post1/
│ └── index.html
├── post2/
│ └── index.html
└── about/
└── index.html
To configure pagination, add the following YAML front matter to your content files:
layout: base.html
title: Blog Post 1
data: blogs
size: 10
alias: myblogs
When pagination is enabled, PyJan26 provides built-in template variables that you can use to generate pagination links:
{% if myblogs %}
{% for post in myblogs %}
<span><a href="/posts/{{ }}/">{{ }}</a></span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if pagination.prev_page %}
<a href="{{ pagination.prev_page }}">Previous</a>
{% endif %}
{% for page_num in pagination.page_numbers %}
<a href="{{ page_num.url }}">{{ page_num.page_number }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if pagination.page_number and pagination.total_pages %}
Page {{ pagination.page_number}} of: {{ pagination.total_pages }}
{% endif %}
{% if pagination.next_page %}
<a href="{{ pagination.next_page }}">Next</a>
{% endif %}
In this example:
- myblogs represents the paginated blogs.
- pagination.total_pages represents the total pages.
- pagination.prev_page provides a link to the previous page.
- pagination.page_number represents the current page number.
- pagination.page_numbers generates links to each page.
- pagination.next_page provides a link to the next page.
Copy Static Files
To specify static files to be copied to the public directory, add them to the STATIC_PATH_PATTERNS variable in your configuration (
can make use of Wildcards available in glob()
Adjust the paths as needed to include directories or specific files you want to copy.
Extending Functionality Using Plugins
To extend the functionality of your site, follow these steps to use plugins:
- Install the Plugin
Install the plugin using pip:
pip install <plugin-name>
Alternatively, include your plugin as a Python module in your project.
- Register the Plugin Module in
Add the plugin module to the PLUGIN_MODULES list in your settings:
PLUGIN_MODULES = ['myplugins']
Add or Replace 'myplugins' with the name of your plugin module
- Copy templates/static plugin files
To copy templates or static files provided by a plugin, run the following command
python -m pyjan26.main c
Creating Your Own Plugin
To create your own plugin, follow these steps
- Register Custom Features
Add custom functionality
Custom Collections
Define custom collections in
from pyjan26.registry import register_custom_collections
def blog_collections(collections):
return {'blogs': list(filter(lambda post: post['name'] != 'index', collections.get('posts'))) }
def all_tags_collections(collections):
return {'all_tags': list(tag for blog in collections.get('blogs') for tag in blog['tags'])}
Custom Filters
Define custom filters in the same file
from pyjan26.registry import register_custom_filters
def capitalize_words(value):
return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in value.split())
To use the custom filter in your templates, follow this syntax:
{{ content | capitalize_words }}
Custom Page Rendering
Define custom page rendering in the same file
from pyjan26.registry import register_custom_pages
from pyjan26.core import render_page
def repeat_page(*args, **kwargs):
item, collection_name, collections, settings, permalink = args
for data1 in collections.get(item.get('data')):
item['page_items'] = data1
page_data = {
'collection_name': collection_name,
'collections': collections,
'settings': settings,
'items': item,
'permalink2': f'{data1}/'
return { 'skip_next': True }
To apply custom page rendering to a content markdown file, add repeat_page: True to the YAML front matter:
layout: base.html
repeat_page: True
data: all_tags
title: mytitle
This instructs PyJan26 to use the repeat_page function for rendering this specific content. Adjust metadata as needed.
- Include Templates and Static Files (if require)
To package templates and static files within your plugin:
- Ensure your plugin has the required files in appropriate directories(templates, static, etc.)
- Update your to include these files
- Example
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
"my_custom_plugin": ["templates/*", "static/*"]
This will include your templates and static folders in the plugin package
Global Variable
To create a global variable, simply define it in
AUTHOR = 'Josnin'
This renders the template value of AUTHOR defined in the module.
{{ settings.AUTHOR }}
How to run development server?
git clone
cd ~/Documents/pyjan26/
Need help? Open an issue in: ISSUES
Want to improve and add feature? Fork the repo, add your changes and send a pull request.