Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME) is a software tool that fits an observed
spectrum of a star with a model spectrum. Since its initial release in
1996, SME has been a
suite of IDL routines that call a dynamically linked library, which is
compiled from C++ and fortran. This classic IDL version of SME is available
for download.
In 2018, we began began reimplmenting the IDL part of SME in python 3,
adopting an object oriented paradigm and continuous itegration practices
(code repository, build automation, self-testing, frequent builds).
A stable version is available on pip pip install pysme-astro
If you are interested in the latest version you can do so by cloning this git.
git clone https://github.com/MingjieJian/SME.git
cd SME
pip install -e .
See also the documentation
A poster about PySME can be found here: Poster
A GUI for PySME is available in its own repository PySME-GUI.
Unfortunately PySME is not supported in Windows right now. While there is a SME C libary for Windows, it is not compatible with the Python C Extension inteface on Windows as it was compiled with a different compiler. Therefore if you want to use PySME you would need to compile the SME library with the same compiler.