.. -- mode: rst --
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|_| |___/ 0.8.2
What is pyte
It's an in memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator.
XXX stands for a series of video terminals, developed by
DEC <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Equipment_Corporation>
_ between
1970 and 1995. The first, and probably the most famous one, was VT100
terminal, which is now a de-facto standard for all virtual terminal
emulators. pyte
follows the suit.
So, why would one need a terminal emulator library?
- To screen scrape terminal apps, for example
or aptitude
. - To write cross platform terminal emulators; either with a graphical
xterm <http://invisible-island.net/xterm/>
rxvt <http://www.rxvt.org/>
) or a web interface, like
AjaxTerm <http://antony.lesuisse.org/software/ajaxterm/>
_. - To have fun, hacking on the ancient, poorly documented technologies.
Note: pyte
started as a fork of vt102 <http://github.com/samfoo/vt102>
which is an incomplete pure Python implementation of VT100 terminal.
If you have pip <https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable>
_ you can do the usual::
pip install pyte
Otherwise, download the source from GitHub <https://github.com/selectel/pyte>
and run::
python setup.py install
Similar projects
is not alone in the weird world of terminal emulator libraries,
here's a few other options worth checking out:
Termemulator <http://sourceforge.net/projects/termemulator/>
pyqonsole <http://hg.logilab.org/pyqonsole/>
webtty <http://code.google.com/p/webtty/>
AjaxTerm <http://antony.lesuisse.org/software/ajaxterm/>
and of course
vt102 <http://github.com/samfoo/vt102>